Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Rant: Cell Phones.
High, so you know what I don't understand? Cell phones. I don't understand how so many people have them & I don't. I mean there is a phone that I can use but it is a cheap Motorola tracphone (like who uses tracphone?) I feel like I am not apart of this elite club of cell phone owners (not like I'm ant-cell phone or anything) Like I really care, but I rely don't have a use for one. Like who am I going to call? I only know people that I know of are my 2 close friends & 2 family members. Besides I really don't want the hassle of a plan anyway with it being so expensive. And what is with these places that do not allow cell phones? When I was is secondary school there was a no phone policy & that did not stop people from texting on there phones. If you got cough your phone would be taken away & you would have to beg for it back. Most schools do not even allow cell phones, like wtf are you insane? That goes with businesses as well (at least where I'm from) Like just today at my job I was minding my own beans while out of nowhere my cell phone rang. I was not aware the first time that my phone went off but it was indeed me. I answered it then hung up. My co worker got stern & told me that cell phones are not allowed & are to be kept at your locker. Like nobody fucking told me that I could not have a cell phone with me. I explained that I mainly use my phone as a watch for mainly to keep track of time if I'm outside working. The person told me that there was a phone inside I could look to to keep time like okay thanks for telling me now! Honestly if you have a fucking problem with cell phones go fuck yourself seriously if they are such a huge problem why not ban them? Let's get the federal government to install a union wide cell phone ban. Would that make a difference? Would there be world peace? I'm not going to hold my breath. Oh & if you are in any way offended with me using a cell phone for whatever reason I really don't give a flying fuck, I will use my damn phone when I want! So ja that is about all for my bizarre rant until next post; thanks for reading.
Monday, April 29, 2013
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
How To Be A Youtube Famous Video Blogger!
Ever wondered how you can be a YouTube Famous Video Blogger? Watch The following video -
Nailed it!
Monday, April 15, 2013
52 Plants In The Wild You Can Eat.
We all know our vegetables and fruits are safe to eat, but what about other wild edibles? Here are a few common North American goodies that are safe to eat if you find yourself stuck in the wild:
Many wild berries are not safe to eat, it’s best to stay away from them. But wild blackberries are 100% safe to eat and easy to recognize. They have red branches that have long thorns similar to a rose, the green leaves are wide and jagged. They are best to find in the spring when their white flowers bloom, they are clustered all around the bush and their flowers have 5 points. The berries ripen around August to September.
The easiest to recognize if the dandelion, in the spring they show their bright yellow buds. You can eat the entire thing raw or cook them to take away the bitterness, usually in the spring they are less bitter. They are packed with Vitamin A and Vitamin C, and beta carotene.
The vegetable that makes your pee smell funny grows in the wild in most of Europe and parts of North Africa, West Asia, and North America. Wild asparagus has a much thinner stalk than the grocery-store variety. It’s a great source of source of vitamin C, thiamine, potassium and vitamin B6. Eat it raw or boil it like you would your asparagus at home.
An elderberry shrub can grow easily grow about 10 feet and yield tons of food, their leaf structure is usually 7 main leaves on a long stretched out stem, the leaves are long and round and the leaves themselves have jagged edges. These are easiest to identify in the spring as they blossom white clustered flowers that resembles an umbrella. Mark the spot and harvest the berries when they’re ripe around September.
Elderberries are known for their flu and cold healing properties, you can make jelly from them and are very sweet and delicious.
Mulberry leaves have two types, one spade shape and a 5 fingered leaf. Both have pointed edges.
These are also common in the woods in northern Missouri, the branches are grey and have long red thorns, and the leaves are bright green and have 5 points, they have rounded edges and look similar to the shape of a maple leaf. The flowers in the spring are very odd looking, they are bright red and hang down, the berries ripen around late May early June.
Pretty much the entire plant is edible and is also known for medicinal values. We were blessed to find this great patch of Kudzu surrounded by Blackberries. The leaves can be eaten raw, steam or boiled. The root can be eaten as well.
There are over one hundred different species of pine. Not only can the food be used as a supply of nourishment but, also can be used for medicinal purposes. Simmer a bowl of water and add some pine needles to make tea. American Indians used to ground up pine to cure skurvy, its rich in vitamin C.
You can find this plant in many parts of the US, they have bright orange flowers and foliage that comes straight up from the ground, no stem. You can eat the flower buds before they open, just cook it like a vegetable.
An elderberry shrub can grow easily grow about 10 feet and yield tons of food, their leaf structure is usually 7 main leaves on a long stretched out stem, the leaves are long and round and the leaves themselves have jagged edges. These are easiest to identify in the spring as they blossom white clustered flowers that resembles an umbrella. Mark the spot and harvest the berries when they’re ripe around September.
Elderberries are known for their flu and cold healing properties, you can make jelly from them and are very sweet and delicious.

Read the rest HERE
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Hints For Homeowners: Tips For A Successful Self-Move
(The following was taken from a local real estate guide. I am not a real estate expert or claim to be an expert on the subject, so make your own evaluations in regard to the information provided. Thanks.)
Few things in life are more arduous & exhausting than moving. While moving into a new home can be exiting, the process of moving is rarely enjoyable. Such is the reason many people turn to moving companies when it comes time to change addresses However, moving companies are an added expense & not right for everyone. Many people choose to self-move to save some money. The process of self-moving can be intimidating, particularly for people whose move will take more than one day. Anticipating problems beforehand is often a great way to ensure the move goes off smoothly & with as little stress as possible.
- Truck Rental: When self-moving, many people find themselves in a race against time to get everything packed onto & then off the truck so they can return the truck in time & avoid what is often hefty late fees. Such a race only adds more stress to an already draining day. Particularly for people whose move will be more than one day, inquire about how much it will cost to keep the truck an extra day. This will eliminate the stress of getting everything done by a set time.
- Cover your valuables: When self-moving for the first time, many people don't realize just how dirty most rental trucks are. Plan on covering up nice furniture or other valuable items beforehand, it can protect your valuables from marks or scratches. With respect to cleanliness, expect the rental truck to be dusty & protect your valuable items accordingly.
- Load heavy item at the front of the truck: The 'front' of the truck is the wall closest to the trucks cab. Load the heaviest items, such as dressers, tables & furniture, on first. When packed tightly against the wall, these items won't move around once you start driving. Certain items, such as couches & mattresses, should be turned on end so they take up less space. A good tip is to put a mattress between large wood pieces to protect them from banging.
- Don't be a hero: At times, you might be tempted to lift certain items by yourself in the hopes of trimming some time of the move. However, moving is a marathon, not a track meet, & you don't want to waste energy that you will need down the road or hurt yourself. Heavier items should be should always be loaded & unloaded by a minimum of two people.
- Mark it: To make unpacking your items go smooth, mark each box with the contents & the room it should go in your new home.
- Lock it up: While moving trucks come with a lever that keeps the door shut, these levers are not locks. Anyone moving overnight should purchase a padlock to put on the truck to protect themselves from theft while they sleep.
- Don't forget entertainment: Oftentimes, a moving truck has the most basic of radios, with no cassette or CD player & sometimes only AM radio. Anyone whose move is a considerable distance should bring along a radio with a CD player to combat boredom.
Remember moving doesn't always have to be stressful, always take your time & be persistent. Good luck.
Few things in life are more arduous & exhausting than moving. While moving into a new home can be exiting, the process of moving is rarely enjoyable. Such is the reason many people turn to moving companies when it comes time to change addresses However, moving companies are an added expense & not right for everyone. Many people choose to self-move to save some money. The process of self-moving can be intimidating, particularly for people whose move will take more than one day. Anticipating problems beforehand is often a great way to ensure the move goes off smoothly & with as little stress as possible.
- Truck Rental: When self-moving, many people find themselves in a race against time to get everything packed onto & then off the truck so they can return the truck in time & avoid what is often hefty late fees. Such a race only adds more stress to an already draining day. Particularly for people whose move will be more than one day, inquire about how much it will cost to keep the truck an extra day. This will eliminate the stress of getting everything done by a set time.
- Cover your valuables: When self-moving for the first time, many people don't realize just how dirty most rental trucks are. Plan on covering up nice furniture or other valuable items beforehand, it can protect your valuables from marks or scratches. With respect to cleanliness, expect the rental truck to be dusty & protect your valuable items accordingly.
- Load heavy item at the front of the truck: The 'front' of the truck is the wall closest to the trucks cab. Load the heaviest items, such as dressers, tables & furniture, on first. When packed tightly against the wall, these items won't move around once you start driving. Certain items, such as couches & mattresses, should be turned on end so they take up less space. A good tip is to put a mattress between large wood pieces to protect them from banging.
- Don't be a hero: At times, you might be tempted to lift certain items by yourself in the hopes of trimming some time of the move. However, moving is a marathon, not a track meet, & you don't want to waste energy that you will need down the road or hurt yourself. Heavier items should be should always be loaded & unloaded by a minimum of two people.
- Mark it: To make unpacking your items go smooth, mark each box with the contents & the room it should go in your new home.
- Lock it up: While moving trucks come with a lever that keeps the door shut, these levers are not locks. Anyone moving overnight should purchase a padlock to put on the truck to protect themselves from theft while they sleep.
- Don't forget entertainment: Oftentimes, a moving truck has the most basic of radios, with no cassette or CD player & sometimes only AM radio. Anyone whose move is a considerable distance should bring along a radio with a CD player to combat boredom.
Remember moving doesn't always have to be stressful, always take your time & be persistent. Good luck.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
What Do Your Dreams Say About You?
If You're Flying...
Dream: You feel liberated and exhilarated as you fly through the air.
On top of a situation- If you are enjoying the scene and landscape below, you have probably risen above something and are on top of a situation.
Lack of power- If you have problems staying in flight, it indicates a lack of power in controlling your own circumstances.
Afraid of challenges and success- If you fear that you are flying too high, you are afraid of challenges and probably not ready to take the next step.
If Your Teeth are Falling Out...
Dream: Your teeth are falling out, rotting, or growing crooked.
Anxieties about your appearance- Your teeth convey an image of attractiveness, and play an important role in the game of flirtation. Dreaming that your teeth are falling out may stem from feelings of rejection, or the consequences of getting old.
Fear of being embarrassed- These dreams are an over-exaggeration of your worries and anxieties.
Feeling powerless- If you're feeling inferior or insecure in your life right now, these dreams may be an indication that you need to be more assertive and believe in yourself.
If You're Eating...
Dream: You are eating a variety of foods in your dream.
Digesting Ideas- Food dreams refer to food for thought, ideas and new beliefs. You are taking in these ideas and digesting them mentally.
If You're Being Chased...
Dream: You are pursued by an animal, an attacker or an unknown figure who wants to hurt or kill you.
Anger/Jealousy/Fear- The attacker in your dream may represent an aspect of yourself. Your own feelings of fear, anger, jealousy can manifest itself as the threatening figure.
Drive & Ambition/Catching Up- If you are the one doing the chasing, it may represent your ambition to go after something you want, or it may suggest that you are falling behind and need to catch up.
If You Failed a Test...
Dream: You are taking a test, but cannot think of any of the correct answers.
Anxiety/Agitation- You may have a lack of self-esteem and confidence at the moment. You tend to believe in the worst about yourself and are overly worried about not measuring up to other people's opinions of you.
Unprepared for a challenge- You are feeling unprepared for a challenge in your waking life.
Feeling judged- These dreams signal you to examine an aspect of yourself that you may have been neglecting. Perhaps you did not prepare enough for a school exam, a project at work, or a business meeting.
If You're Pregnant...
Dream: You are dreaming that you're pregnant, you are actually pregnant and dreaming that you're pregnant, or you're dreaming that you're pregnant with the baby dying inside of you.
If you are pregnant in the dream: An aspect of your personal life is growing and developing.
If you are actually pregnant: The dream represents your anxieties about the pregnancy. Many women experience this in the second trimester of pregnancy.
If You're Falling...
Dream: You are falling through the air, or you hit the ground during a fall.
Insecurities/Anxieties- You are feeling overwhelmed and out of control of some sort of situation in your life.
Inferiority- Your dream may be reflecting a sense of failure in some area of your life, perhaps at work or school.
If You're On Vacation...
Dream: You find yourself relaxing on the beach, or arriving to a destination far away.
You need a break- You need to stop and take a break from what you're doing in order to revitalize yourself. You need to break out of your normal routine.
Not able to escape daily responsibilities- If you dream you're having a bad vacation, you are having difficulty dealing with life's problems and issues.
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