Every man should be born again on the first day of January. Start with a
fresh page. Take up one hole more in the buckle if necessary, or let
down one, according to circumstances; but on the first of January let
every man gird himself once more, with his face to the front, and take
no interest in the things that were and are past.
- Henry Ward Beecher
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Life Tip: Getting passed on a roadway.
So today I'm going to share with you all a very important life tip.
- The next time someone passes you on a roadway, keep following them until they stop. Proceed to get out of your vehicle with a baseball bat & smash out one of their headlights (or their windows if you're feeling adventurous) If the person notices you & starts cursing & making threats as to why you smashed their car, proceed to bash their face in with your baseball bat until they're out cold in a bloody mess. Thak a refreshing sip of their blood as a sign of victory. Get back into your vehicle & drive away. If that doesn't suite you whip out your handgun & start shooting at them until their vehicle crashes in a ditch.
- The next time someone passes you on a roadway, keep following them until they stop. Proceed to get out of your vehicle with a baseball bat & smash out one of their headlights (or their windows if you're feeling adventurous) If the person notices you & starts cursing & making threats as to why you smashed their car, proceed to bash their face in with your baseball bat until they're out cold in a bloody mess. Thak a refreshing sip of their blood as a sign of victory. Get back into your vehicle & drive away. If that doesn't suite you whip out your handgun & start shooting at them until their vehicle crashes in a ditch.
Friday, December 27, 2013
Confession: I suck at driving.
High. So you know what's annoying? - Driving. Yes driving. Now I'm not the best driver around, but when it comes to others there's just no competition. Seriously driving takes a ton of practice to be some what professional; you're not going to be a pro when you get your plastic license so what's new? Oh you got your drivers license so you're a professional driver now? BULL SHIT. A piece of plastic guarantees nothing! Honestly people enough...moving on.. Yes I'm not a good driver, I admit to making a few driving errors (some to consider rage induced "you're a Fucking moron, just going to get yelled at until the person turns purple in the face) mentality, the point is I'm not a good driver! Today being the exception. So while I was driving to my parents home after running around doing after Boxing day deals/errands (as I am going to call it) I approached a Stop sign not thinking about anything else I casually rode through the stop sign & out of nowhere Another vehicle honks their horn at me. Side note: Now being honked at is extremely offensive to me. Do I look like a fucking prostitute? Do I look like I want to have a good time? Hell no. If I make an error dumb enough to to get honked at I think *g-d this person is a fucking moron does not know how to drive, must be a woman* Seriously getting honked at is like being called a racial epithet or being called stupid right in your face, it's downright offensive tome. Think what you what, I don't care still I hate getting honked for making such errors. Anyway I hear the other goys car yelling at because I went to soon after a Stop sign. So what do I do acknowledge the the other goy & continue driving through the intersection rather quickly unharmed. A few feet later I noticed the vehicle stopped for a second thinking maybe it's going to turn around or something, but somehow I think just pissed off that driver for not looking. If there is anything I'm good at it's pissing people off. Even if it's unintentional still I manage to piss people off. Even if it's a silly driving error I never hear the end of it. I'm just "fuck this, I don't give a flying pig what you think" so I'm just going to yawn it off. If you are a person who takes this sort of thing seriously I feel sorry for you. It's unhealthy to hold grudges, but hey who am I to judge? Right? So that's the third time I got honked at for making a silly driving error. Want to fight about it?! The next time I get honked at so help me Satan I will Slam on my breaks, get out of my vehicle, approach the yelling vehicle & whip out a hand gun, proceed to then smash the window while cursing at the driver, mercilessly beat the driver until bloody submission bust out a head light, then get into my car & drive away with a sense of accomplishment *like a boss*
Anyway that's all for my crazy rant. Did you make it this far? If so, give this post a "Like" by hitting the "Thumbs Up" it really helps a lot. HAHA just kidding! I don't think you can do that... Yea so if you made it through the post give yourself a pat on the back or on the knee, or whatever you yen. If you did like it give me a comment on your worst driving mistake, Until next post, I will see soon.
Anyway that's all for my crazy rant. Did you make it this far? If so, give this post a "Like" by hitting the "Thumbs Up" it really helps a lot. HAHA just kidding! I don't think you can do that... Yea so if you made it through the post give yourself a pat on the back or on the knee, or whatever you yen. If you did like it give me a comment on your worst driving mistake, Until next post, I will see soon.
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
World's Jews Celebrate Christmas With Ceremonial Re-Murdering Of Christ
Via TheOnion
JERUSALEM—As Christians everywhere celebrate the birth of Christ this holiday season, the world's approximately 14 million Jews are also commemorating the special holiday, as they do each year, by ceremonially re-murdering the Baby Jesus. Details of the time-honored Jewish tradition include the baking of a baby-shaped potato pancake, which is filled with beet juice and then beheaded by a demon-horned rabbi using a specially blessed "baby-killing" knife. "I love devouring Christians' young almost as much as corrupting maidens," said Benjamin Levy, 89. "It's a magical time for all." The re-murdering is among the most important celebrations of the Jewish calendar, second only to the springtime "Poisoning of the Easter Wells" festival.
Full story
JERUSALEM—As Christians everywhere celebrate the birth of Christ this holiday season, the world's approximately 14 million Jews are also commemorating the special holiday, as they do each year, by ceremonially re-murdering the Baby Jesus. Details of the time-honored Jewish tradition include the baking of a baby-shaped potato pancake, which is filled with beet juice and then beheaded by a demon-horned rabbi using a specially blessed "baby-killing" knife. "I love devouring Christians' young almost as much as corrupting maidens," said Benjamin Levy, 89. "It's a magical time for all." The re-murdering is among the most important celebrations of the Jewish calendar, second only to the springtime "Poisoning of the Easter Wells" festival.
Full story
Merry Christmas!
Kibby Quesadilla wishes you all a...
I would also like to thank all of you for taking the time out to visit my blog. it amazes me that so many of you from around the world read my posts. I started this blog mainly to share what interests me and other ramblings. I know I haven't posted much this past year & I hope 2014 I can post even more. Also, I am thankful for all that has happened this past year even with the ups & the downs, I am still amazed that I made it this far. I hope the next year can be more than the past year. A new chance, a new beginning. Even brighter days. I hope you all have a blessed day. And thank you. - Kibby.
I would also like to thank all of you for taking the time out to visit my blog. it amazes me that so many of you from around the world read my posts. I started this blog mainly to share what interests me and other ramblings. I know I haven't posted much this past year & I hope 2014 I can post even more. Also, I am thankful for all that has happened this past year even with the ups & the downs, I am still amazed that I made it this far. I hope the next year can be more than the past year. A new chance, a new beginning. Even brighter days. I hope you all have a blessed day. And thank you. - Kibby.
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
6 Not-So-Jolly Christmas Carols
Via mentalfloss
- You can always tell when Christmas is just around the corner. The radio starts playing cheery holiday favorites like Nat King Cole's "Christmas Song" and Eartha Kitt's version of "Santa Baby." Bands of merry carolers wander the streets harmonizing Christmas classics like "Silent Night" and "Jingle Bells." But there are some Christmas songs that don't get a lot of attention because they're dark, even by non-holiday song standards.
Read the full text here: http://mentalfloss.com/article/54312/6-not-so-jolly-christmas-carols#ixzz2oSjJEriI
- You can always tell when Christmas is just around the corner. The radio starts playing cheery holiday favorites like Nat King Cole's "Christmas Song" and Eartha Kitt's version of "Santa Baby." Bands of merry carolers wander the streets harmonizing Christmas classics like "Silent Night" and "Jingle Bells." But there are some Christmas songs that don't get a lot of attention because they're dark, even by non-holiday song standards.
Read the full text here: http://mentalfloss.com/article/54312/6-not-so-jolly-christmas-carols#ixzz2oSjJEriI
Monday, December 23, 2013
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Xmas Survey (KQ)
Here are 12 questions related to the Christmas holiday...
How soon do you start Christmas shopping? - 2 weeks before Xmas.
Who do you shop for? - Family & close friends.
Favorite Christmas movie? - Don't really have one.
What do you want for Christmas 2013? - Too many things that I can't afford.
What's the best gift you've ever received? - A Microsoft Zune.
Have you ever left Santa cookies? - Yes, long ago.
Have you ever had a white Christmas? - What a racist & hateful question...
What part of Christmas do you look most forward to? - The time I have with friends & family.
What's the worst gift you've ever received? - Some board game can't remember what kind.
Do you put up a Christmas tree? - I have one that I put up all year round.
Do you put Christmas lights outside your house? - I try to. Nothing too extravagant.
Where do you celebrate Christmas? - In the US.
How soon do you start Christmas shopping? - 2 weeks before Xmas.
Who do you shop for? - Family & close friends.
Favorite Christmas movie? - Don't really have one.
What do you want for Christmas 2013? - Too many things that I can't afford.
What's the best gift you've ever received? - A Microsoft Zune.
Have you ever left Santa cookies? - Yes, long ago.
Have you ever had a white Christmas? - What a racist & hateful question...
What part of Christmas do you look most forward to? - The time I have with friends & family.
What's the worst gift you've ever received? - Some board game can't remember what kind.
Do you put up a Christmas tree? - I have one that I put up all year round.
Do you put Christmas lights outside your house? - I try to. Nothing too extravagant.
Where do you celebrate Christmas? - In the US.
Saturday, December 21, 2013
The Duck Song
Found this interesting video while scrolling through youtube.
Czech it out & see what you think
Friday, December 20, 2013
12 Terrible Pieces of Advice for Pregnant Women
Via Mentalfloss:
- When you’re pregnant, your body is in one very literal sense no longer completely your own. But in another, more uncomfortable sense, it’s become a public entity—because complete strangers think it’s absolutely fine to comment on what you’re eating, how you’re exercising (or not, in my case), even how you’re walking. We’ve compiled some of the best worst pregnancy advice through the ages. Please don't tell any pregnant women they shouldn't look at monkeys
Read the full text HERE
- When you’re pregnant, your body is in one very literal sense no longer completely your own. But in another, more uncomfortable sense, it’s become a public entity—because complete strangers think it’s absolutely fine to comment on what you’re eating, how you’re exercising (or not, in my case), even how you’re walking. We’ve compiled some of the best worst pregnancy advice through the ages. Please don't tell any pregnant women they shouldn't look at monkeys
Read the full text HERE
Thursday, December 19, 2013
5 Surprising Things We Feed Cows
motherjones -
In addition to the old standbys of corn, soy, hay (and, uh, drugs), "there's a lot of stuff which the general public might not think of as feeds which are actually quite common," says Cory Parsons, a livestock nutrition expert at Oregon State University. For example:
Sawdust: Decades ago, when Bob Batey, an eastern Iowa entrepreneur, observed cows gobbling up sawdust hosed down from his paper mill, he had an idea: Why not make the stuff into a commercial cattle feed? Sawdust is made largely of cellulose, a carbohydrate, but it's bound together with a compound called lignin, which makes it hard to digest. To strip the lignin, Batey soaked some of the stuff in nitric acid, and voilà ! The cows were ready to chow down. "They like it," he says. "It's good for them. It's economical. And it's green."
But it was only after a 2012 drought laid waste to local hay and grass that Batey put his idea into action. He teamed up with local feed producers to devise a mix of sawdust, corn, vitamins, and minerals. While ranchers have not yet widely adopted the sawdust feed, Byron Leu, a regional beef specialist at Iowa State University, said with corn prices high, the stuff could catch on "pretty fast." The Iowa City Gazette noted that in tests, the cows ate the stuff "like candy." Speaking of which…
Candy, wrapper and all: Ranchers report feeding their beef steers and dairy cows a variety of bulk candy, including gummy worms, marshmallows, hard candy, sprinkles, chocolate, candy corn, and hot chocolate mix. Candy provides sugar that cows would usually get from corn, giving them more energy and making them fatter. When corn prices skyrocketed, the practice became popular: In fall 2012, one candy supplier who sells farmers and ranchers "salvage" chocolate—that's imperfect and broken chocolates—said the price of the stuff had recently doubled.
In some cases, ranchers found, the candy feed comes wrapped. Asked if he was concerned about his cattle eating plastic, one animal nutrition expert in Tennessee said he was not worried. "I think it would pass through just like excess fiber would."
Chicken shit: What's not to love about the fecal waste of America's 36-million-plus broiler chickens? It's plentiful and cheap. But according to a recent OnEarth story by Brad Jacobson, the problem may be less the poop itself than the smorgasbord of other substances it frequently comes with, including feathers, heavy metals, bacteria, antibiotics, and bits of rodents. Jacobson also notes that the practice could promote the spread of mad cow disease.
Ground limestone: Strange as feeding rocks to cows may sound, limestone can be found in cattle troughs all over the United States. The stuff is a cheap source of calcium, and it also seems to promote growth. As one study put it, cows that ate limestone late in life "tended to have more desirable carcasses" than cows that didn't.
Crab guts: For ranchers and feedlots near the coast, the guts and other undesirable parts of fish, crabs, shrimp, and crawfish can be an abundant source of cheap protein. Ground up into a tasty meal, seafood byproducts can be mixed into other feeds. Fish-meal cattle feed isn't a new idea; Marco Polo observed in his diary that cows ate it "without any sign of dislike."
In addition to the old standbys of corn, soy, hay (and, uh, drugs), "there's a lot of stuff which the general public might not think of as feeds which are actually quite common," says Cory Parsons, a livestock nutrition expert at Oregon State University. For example:
Sawdust: Decades ago, when Bob Batey, an eastern Iowa entrepreneur, observed cows gobbling up sawdust hosed down from his paper mill, he had an idea: Why not make the stuff into a commercial cattle feed? Sawdust is made largely of cellulose, a carbohydrate, but it's bound together with a compound called lignin, which makes it hard to digest. To strip the lignin, Batey soaked some of the stuff in nitric acid, and voilà ! The cows were ready to chow down. "They like it," he says. "It's good for them. It's economical. And it's green."
But it was only after a 2012 drought laid waste to local hay and grass that Batey put his idea into action. He teamed up with local feed producers to devise a mix of sawdust, corn, vitamins, and minerals. While ranchers have not yet widely adopted the sawdust feed, Byron Leu, a regional beef specialist at Iowa State University, said with corn prices high, the stuff could catch on "pretty fast." The Iowa City Gazette noted that in tests, the cows ate the stuff "like candy." Speaking of which…
Candy, wrapper and all: Ranchers report feeding their beef steers and dairy cows a variety of bulk candy, including gummy worms, marshmallows, hard candy, sprinkles, chocolate, candy corn, and hot chocolate mix. Candy provides sugar that cows would usually get from corn, giving them more energy and making them fatter. When corn prices skyrocketed, the practice became popular: In fall 2012, one candy supplier who sells farmers and ranchers "salvage" chocolate—that's imperfect and broken chocolates—said the price of the stuff had recently doubled.
In some cases, ranchers found, the candy feed comes wrapped. Asked if he was concerned about his cattle eating plastic, one animal nutrition expert in Tennessee said he was not worried. "I think it would pass through just like excess fiber would."
Chicken shit: What's not to love about the fecal waste of America's 36-million-plus broiler chickens? It's plentiful and cheap. But according to a recent OnEarth story by Brad Jacobson, the problem may be less the poop itself than the smorgasbord of other substances it frequently comes with, including feathers, heavy metals, bacteria, antibiotics, and bits of rodents. Jacobson also notes that the practice could promote the spread of mad cow disease.
Ground limestone: Strange as feeding rocks to cows may sound, limestone can be found in cattle troughs all over the United States. The stuff is a cheap source of calcium, and it also seems to promote growth. As one study put it, cows that ate limestone late in life "tended to have more desirable carcasses" than cows that didn't.
Crab guts: For ranchers and feedlots near the coast, the guts and other undesirable parts of fish, crabs, shrimp, and crawfish can be an abundant source of cheap protein. Ground up into a tasty meal, seafood byproducts can be mixed into other feeds. Fish-meal cattle feed isn't a new idea; Marco Polo observed in his diary that cows ate it "without any sign of dislike."
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
The Ten Worst Flags in the World
(Based on design)
The flag of a nation, usually you want it to be a strong symbol for your country, a beautiful and powerful image that your country can rally behind. Maybe the flag symbolizes important aspects of the country, like the rising sun of the Japanese flag, or the 50 stars of the American flag.
Some counties though, well, let's just say they put the bar a little lower.
So, without further distraction, check out the 10 worst flag ideas in the world!
10. Bangladesh
Now this flag could have been a good idea, after all, it is the beautiful Japanese flag, only with one minor adjustment. Unfortunately, adjusting the background color to a very unsightly green didn't do much to elevate this design. And anyways, just ripping off another design and changing the colors a bit? That works in web design, but when you're creating a flag for a country, it would be nice to see a little more effort than a copy and paste.
9. Nepal
We've all done it, we've sat around with our friends, having a few beers, just shooting the breeze and coming up with these excellent ideas that would just be totally craaaaazy! Like, we should pave the streets with money, that way no one would be poor, and other ideas that are great while drunk, but mercifully forgotten the next day. True, some times you will find that some less fortunate ideas and experiments might have broken one of your limbs, or worse got put on youtube, but in a couple of weeks, that stuff just fades away and no one will think of it again.
That's what happened with the Nepal flag, some guys were sitting around, smoking some opium, and started talking about their flag. "Wouldn't it be AWESOME if the flag was a triangle instead of a square!" (giggles) "No, no, wait, what if it was a triangle on top of a triangle!!!". That's what happened, but for some reason this crazy idea actually became reality, against all good judgment. To this day, the Nepali flag serves as a slap in the face, of those poor folks who came up with this idea, never really meant to survive into sober reality. Not to mention the hate that Nepal gets from flag makers world wide.
8. Libya
Yeah, I get it, I get what you tried to do here. Green is the colour of Islam, and the flag represent that there is nothing above Islam and the flag is a representation of a clean tribute to your religion. But COME ON! You guys have the chance to do anything you want with the flag, get creative, put some soul and effort into the design, and of all the possibilities, the best your country's designers can come up with is this? A blank green canvas? I truly and honestly feel, that if a flag like this is the very best you can come up with, you don't deserve to have your own country. Give the country to someone else, someone who will at least try.
7. Swaziland
In a way, I kind of like this flag, if it wasn't a flag, but maybe some interesting wall art at the World Market, I might quite like it. The colours go well together and the design is interesting. Unfortunately, this is not a kitchen towel, but a national flag, and as a national flag, this is just no good. While I am sure the shield and spears are traditional and part of Swaziland culture, it just sends the wrong message having weapons in your flag, not to mention the poor school children in Swaziland, trying to make an accurate drawing of this flag for independence must be a nightmare.
6. Christmas Islands
Actually, The Christmas Islands deserve recognition for avoiding some of the most obvious lichee's that must have been tempting for the designers if the flag, there's no Santa Claus or Christmas trees in the flag, and for that I applaud you, Christmas Islands. However, after avoiding some embarrassingly obvious pitfalls, the wheels quickly fell of the wagon for the designer on this one. First of all, the color combination blue green is challenging to begin with, and in this particular effort, they clash with great vigor. To make matters worse, there's a weird blob in the middle of the flag. Presumably a map of the island which is a horrible idea to begin with, but to make matters worse, the shape looks like a snail on a twig to anyone not intimately familiar with Christmas Island geography. Simply awful, and I haven't even mentioned the big yellow bird thing.
5. Belize
This flag could have been okay, not great, but okay. If they had left it at the blue with the two red stripes, no one would ever think twice about this flag. It would meddle with the many other unspectacular but good enough flags out there. Well, Belize just had to slap a big weird coat of arms in the middle of their flag and propel it right to the bottom of flag designs. Apparently lumber jacking is a big deal in Belize, fair enough,but did you really need to put a picture of a lumberjack right there on the flag? And what is the baseball player doing next to him? The flag goes from weird to downright creepy when you translate the motto though: 'I flourish in the shadow'... Two guys with an ax and a bat that flourish in the shadow? That sounds like they are looking to mug someone. Creepy.
4. Kazakhstan
The more colours you try to put in a flag design, the more likely you are to fail, keeping it simple will often be a good idea. So, Kazakhstan has that going for them, a limited color palette. If you decide to make your palette yellow and blue however, you are rolling the dice of good taste. These colors are harder to match than many others, only a handful countries have tried, and even fewer have succeeded. Kazakhstan on the other hand, has come up with the worst of all the yellow and blue designs, they have possibly picked the two shades of blue and yellow that are the least compatible, and topped it off with some horrible designs. Now, if they had just put the sun in the center of the flag, and left it at that, this flag would be nowhere this list, but for some unknown reason, it felt imperative to put in a badly drawn eagle soaring right into the sun. At this point, it seems like the flag designers gave up, realized failure and just added some traditional pattern to also unbalance the flag and make it horribly complicated.
3. Turkmenistan
In a way, I feel sympathy for the people who set out to create the flag for this new nation. Obviously, they felt compelled to underline the country's Islamic roots and so the green flag with the white crescent and stars becomes a confining starting template, when you also need to add an orange oriental carpet design to your flag, it's very difficult to create something that is not horribly ghastly. To difficult for whomever created this flag apparently, as the flag is horribly ghastly.
2. Central African Republic (Central Africa)
Many flags have been made incredibly busy by adding elaborate drawings and colorful complex patterns, the Central African Republic on the other hand, has managed to make an incredibly busy flag with just five straight lines, and one lonely star. While this flag looks horrible enough as it is, if it is seen waving in the wind, it actually induces seizures.
1. Guam
Guam might feel that the rank is unfair, and they have a point. This is the only of the US territories that have made it to this list, but that is just to spread the shame a little, the US territories generally have flags so awful that they could probably lay claim to the entire list. Well, only one was picked, and the one picked Guam. This flag is horrible, it looks like they just bought a t-shirt from the nearest souvenir shop and put it on a flag pole. Even if this is the case, I have a hard time believing that they couldn't find a better looking t-shirt.
Read the rest
Related -
The World's 16 Least Inspiring Flags
The flag of a nation, usually you want it to be a strong symbol for your country, a beautiful and powerful image that your country can rally behind. Maybe the flag symbolizes important aspects of the country, like the rising sun of the Japanese flag, or the 50 stars of the American flag.
Some counties though, well, let's just say they put the bar a little lower.
So, without further distraction, check out the 10 worst flag ideas in the world!
10. Bangladesh
Now this flag could have been a good idea, after all, it is the beautiful Japanese flag, only with one minor adjustment. Unfortunately, adjusting the background color to a very unsightly green didn't do much to elevate this design. And anyways, just ripping off another design and changing the colors a bit? That works in web design, but when you're creating a flag for a country, it would be nice to see a little more effort than a copy and paste.
9. Nepal
We've all done it, we've sat around with our friends, having a few beers, just shooting the breeze and coming up with these excellent ideas that would just be totally craaaaazy! Like, we should pave the streets with money, that way no one would be poor, and other ideas that are great while drunk, but mercifully forgotten the next day. True, some times you will find that some less fortunate ideas and experiments might have broken one of your limbs, or worse got put on youtube, but in a couple of weeks, that stuff just fades away and no one will think of it again.
That's what happened with the Nepal flag, some guys were sitting around, smoking some opium, and started talking about their flag. "Wouldn't it be AWESOME if the flag was a triangle instead of a square!" (giggles) "No, no, wait, what if it was a triangle on top of a triangle!!!". That's what happened, but for some reason this crazy idea actually became reality, against all good judgment. To this day, the Nepali flag serves as a slap in the face, of those poor folks who came up with this idea, never really meant to survive into sober reality. Not to mention the hate that Nepal gets from flag makers world wide.
8. Libya
Yeah, I get it, I get what you tried to do here. Green is the colour of Islam, and the flag represent that there is nothing above Islam and the flag is a representation of a clean tribute to your religion. But COME ON! You guys have the chance to do anything you want with the flag, get creative, put some soul and effort into the design, and of all the possibilities, the best your country's designers can come up with is this? A blank green canvas? I truly and honestly feel, that if a flag like this is the very best you can come up with, you don't deserve to have your own country. Give the country to someone else, someone who will at least try.
7. Swaziland
In a way, I kind of like this flag, if it wasn't a flag, but maybe some interesting wall art at the World Market, I might quite like it. The colours go well together and the design is interesting. Unfortunately, this is not a kitchen towel, but a national flag, and as a national flag, this is just no good. While I am sure the shield and spears are traditional and part of Swaziland culture, it just sends the wrong message having weapons in your flag, not to mention the poor school children in Swaziland, trying to make an accurate drawing of this flag for independence must be a nightmare.
6. Christmas Islands
Actually, The Christmas Islands deserve recognition for avoiding some of the most obvious lichee's that must have been tempting for the designers if the flag, there's no Santa Claus or Christmas trees in the flag, and for that I applaud you, Christmas Islands. However, after avoiding some embarrassingly obvious pitfalls, the wheels quickly fell of the wagon for the designer on this one. First of all, the color combination blue green is challenging to begin with, and in this particular effort, they clash with great vigor. To make matters worse, there's a weird blob in the middle of the flag. Presumably a map of the island which is a horrible idea to begin with, but to make matters worse, the shape looks like a snail on a twig to anyone not intimately familiar with Christmas Island geography. Simply awful, and I haven't even mentioned the big yellow bird thing.
5. Belize
This flag could have been okay, not great, but okay. If they had left it at the blue with the two red stripes, no one would ever think twice about this flag. It would meddle with the many other unspectacular but good enough flags out there. Well, Belize just had to slap a big weird coat of arms in the middle of their flag and propel it right to the bottom of flag designs. Apparently lumber jacking is a big deal in Belize, fair enough,but did you really need to put a picture of a lumberjack right there on the flag? And what is the baseball player doing next to him? The flag goes from weird to downright creepy when you translate the motto though: 'I flourish in the shadow'... Two guys with an ax and a bat that flourish in the shadow? That sounds like they are looking to mug someone. Creepy.
4. Kazakhstan
The more colours you try to put in a flag design, the more likely you are to fail, keeping it simple will often be a good idea. So, Kazakhstan has that going for them, a limited color palette. If you decide to make your palette yellow and blue however, you are rolling the dice of good taste. These colors are harder to match than many others, only a handful countries have tried, and even fewer have succeeded. Kazakhstan on the other hand, has come up with the worst of all the yellow and blue designs, they have possibly picked the two shades of blue and yellow that are the least compatible, and topped it off with some horrible designs. Now, if they had just put the sun in the center of the flag, and left it at that, this flag would be nowhere this list, but for some unknown reason, it felt imperative to put in a badly drawn eagle soaring right into the sun. At this point, it seems like the flag designers gave up, realized failure and just added some traditional pattern to also unbalance the flag and make it horribly complicated.
3. Turkmenistan
In a way, I feel sympathy for the people who set out to create the flag for this new nation. Obviously, they felt compelled to underline the country's Islamic roots and so the green flag with the white crescent and stars becomes a confining starting template, when you also need to add an orange oriental carpet design to your flag, it's very difficult to create something that is not horribly ghastly. To difficult for whomever created this flag apparently, as the flag is horribly ghastly.
2. Central African Republic (Central Africa)
Many flags have been made incredibly busy by adding elaborate drawings and colorful complex patterns, the Central African Republic on the other hand, has managed to make an incredibly busy flag with just five straight lines, and one lonely star. While this flag looks horrible enough as it is, if it is seen waving in the wind, it actually induces seizures.
1. Guam
Guam might feel that the rank is unfair, and they have a point. This is the only of the US territories that have made it to this list, but that is just to spread the shame a little, the US territories generally have flags so awful that they could probably lay claim to the entire list. Well, only one was picked, and the one picked Guam. This flag is horrible, it looks like they just bought a t-shirt from the nearest souvenir shop and put it on a flag pole. Even if this is the case, I have a hard time believing that they couldn't find a better looking t-shirt.
Read the rest
Related -
The World's 16 Least Inspiring Flags
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
The 7 Worst Gifts People Seem to Give Every Christmas
Now, to be fair, we can forgive the "useless" part of that description. Novelties are by definition often pretty useless. However, that doesn't mean they need to be worthless pieces of shit.
Remember Big Mouth Billy Bass? The people who make it are convinced that more of those were sold than Tickle Me Elmos, which sold in the millions. That means potentially tens of millions of Big Mouth Billy Basses are littered across the globe, their gaping maws collecting dust after the one and only time someone allowed it to sing "Don't Worry, Be Happy" before it was thrown in a rage in a corner to be forgotten forever by everyone.
Clearly Big Mouth Billy Bass was one of the most popular novelty gifts of all time. It's a singing fish. If Big Mouth Billy Bass were a person, it would be a mime who can only do the "stuck in a box" routine and occasionally moans or grunts during the act. Why would you dream of inflicting that on anyone?
A novelty gift is basically the last defense against giving someone a $5 bill for Christmas. It's your subconscious' way of saying "Fuccccccccccccck" and just rolling over to have a dissatisfied, fitful nap.
Full Article
Now, to be fair, we can forgive the "useless" part of that description. Novelties are by definition often pretty useless. However, that doesn't mean they need to be worthless pieces of shit.
Remember Big Mouth Billy Bass? The people who make it are convinced that more of those were sold than Tickle Me Elmos, which sold in the millions. That means potentially tens of millions of Big Mouth Billy Basses are littered across the globe, their gaping maws collecting dust after the one and only time someone allowed it to sing "Don't Worry, Be Happy" before it was thrown in a rage in a corner to be forgotten forever by everyone.
Clearly Big Mouth Billy Bass was one of the most popular novelty gifts of all time. It's a singing fish. If Big Mouth Billy Bass were a person, it would be a mime who can only do the "stuck in a box" routine and occasionally moans or grunts during the act. Why would you dream of inflicting that on anyone?
A novelty gift is basically the last defense against giving someone a $5 bill for Christmas. It's your subconscious' way of saying "Fuccccccccccccck" and just rolling over to have a dissatisfied, fitful nap.
Full Article
Monday, December 16, 2013
10 Hardest Working Countries
"Work makes you free"
(Video is by alltime10s)
(Video is by alltime10s)
Sunday, December 15, 2013
What is Chai?
Chai (pronounced as a single syllable and rhymes with
'pie') is the word for tea in many parts of the world. It is
a centuries-old beverage which has played an important role
in many cultures.
Chai from India is a spiced milk tea that has become increasingly popular throughout the world. It is generally made up of:
Drinking chai is part of life in India and most Indian's are amazed at all the current fuss in the West. Many who have traveled in India come away with fond chai drinking experiences. We have included many of these in our Chai Experiences section.
In the past three years we've seen a phenomenal growth in the popularity and interest in chai. Chai has become very common at over-the-counter specialty beverage shops and there is a growing line of prepackaged consumer products. Many industry analysts are predicting that chai will eventually become as popular and common as coffee lattes and cappuccinos.
Great chai can often be found in Indian restaurants along with great food, but making your own chai provides immense satisfaction (and makes the house smell yummy!). Recipes and tastes for chai vary widely and a multitude of chai recipes are used around the world
Indian grocers carry various chai masala mixes which you can use to make your own chai. Commercially produced concentrates can be found at many health food grocers and coffee shops. Ingredients for making your own chai are available just about everywhere. See our Recipes Section for a wide variety of chai recipes.
Of course the modern world has elevated chai to new planes of experience--chai ices, milkshakes, chocolate chai, non-fat, low-cal sweeteners, decaf, and so on. We have included a section on New Chai Serving Ideas.
We prefer traditional freshly made chai: hot, creamy, fragrant with black tea, fresh cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, peppercorns and enough sugar to bring out the spice flavor. While we personally drink regular tea without sugar, chai must have sweetness or the spices seem to lose their full robustness.
Read more HERE
Related - Why Everyone Should Drink Chai Tea
Chai from India is a spiced milk tea that has become increasingly popular throughout the world. It is generally made up of:
• rich black teaThe spices used vary from region to region and among households in India. The most common are cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, and pepper. Indian chai produces a warming, soothing effect, acts as a natural digestive aid and gives one a wonderful sense of well being. It's difficult to resist a second cup.
• heavy milk
• a combination of various spices
• a sweetener
Drinking chai is part of life in India and most Indian's are amazed at all the current fuss in the West. Many who have traveled in India come away with fond chai drinking experiences. We have included many of these in our Chai Experiences section.
In the past three years we've seen a phenomenal growth in the popularity and interest in chai. Chai has become very common at over-the-counter specialty beverage shops and there is a growing line of prepackaged consumer products. Many industry analysts are predicting that chai will eventually become as popular and common as coffee lattes and cappuccinos.
Great chai can often be found in Indian restaurants along with great food, but making your own chai provides immense satisfaction (and makes the house smell yummy!). Recipes and tastes for chai vary widely and a multitude of chai recipes are used around the world
Indian grocers carry various chai masala mixes which you can use to make your own chai. Commercially produced concentrates can be found at many health food grocers and coffee shops. Ingredients for making your own chai are available just about everywhere. See our Recipes Section for a wide variety of chai recipes.
Of course the modern world has elevated chai to new planes of experience--chai ices, milkshakes, chocolate chai, non-fat, low-cal sweeteners, decaf, and so on. We have included a section on New Chai Serving Ideas.
We prefer traditional freshly made chai: hot, creamy, fragrant with black tea, fresh cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, peppercorns and enough sugar to bring out the spice flavor. While we personally drink regular tea without sugar, chai must have sweetness or the spices seem to lose their full robustness.
Read more HERE
Related - Why Everyone Should Drink Chai Tea
Saturday, December 14, 2013
The 20 Worst Video Game Concepts Ever Conceived
(rantlifestyle) - Since the inception of the Magnavox Odyssey in April of 1972, video games have been a staple of in-home entertainment. From Pong consoles to the rise of Atari to the video game crash of 1983 and the emergence of the Nintendo Entertainment System—for as long as most of us have been alive, video games have been there for us.
In celebration of the recent launches of the PS4 and Xbox One, Rant Lifestyle is ringing in the new guard with a retrospective bang by re-visiting the 20 worst concepts to ever stain the world of gaming. From faulty game consoles to terrible design flaws and just plain bad ideas, these are the turds wrapped in tinfoil that are often found buried amongst the gems.
Read on to see what made the list of the most rage-inducing game concepts ever
Friday, December 13, 2013
Thursday, December 12, 2013
How To Use a Douche
(Excerpt) Using a douche can be scary & potentially dangerous, so it's
important that you know how to use one correctly before you attempt to
insert it into your egg hole. A douche is a device used to introduce a
stream of water into the body for medical or hygienic reasons. Doctors
highly recommended that you use a douche no more than once a month, as
it can potentially unbalance your egg hole & cause your yolk to
taste like an egg salad sandwich. Goodluck.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
10 Most Disturbing Pokemon
'If it ain't broke, don't fix it'; a sentiment that no video game franchise embodies as succinctly as Pokemon.
That shouldn't be taken as an insult, since even the people developing
the series maintain that like any lasting sport or game, Pokemon doesn't need to change to stay relevant.
Instead, the developers at Game Freak simply iterate upon each element of gameplay, introduce new creatures for players to collect, and let marketing take care of the rest.
As the franchise closes in on twenty years - and prepares to add yet another Nintendo console to its resume - we thought we'd look back; not on the games or creatures that we most treasure, but the ones that keep us up at night.
Here are the 10 Most Disturbing Pokemon Facts.
Gothita Sees Dead People
Name: Gothita
Type: Psychic
It's disturbing enough that Gothita, this Pokemon's starting form resembles a baby that "stares at something only it can see," but once it evolves into Gothorita at Level 32, its creep factor gets sent sky high. With hypnosis mastered, the creature "steals people away at night." Whether it steals people away as offerings to the thing "only it can see" is impossible to know.
Once the evolution to Gothitelle is achieved at Level 41, this creature uses its psychic abilities to see the future, specifically the death of their trainer. While useful in combat, having this Pokemon in one's arsenal is just too creepy. You can always look on the bright side: if Gothitelle isn't hypno-kidnapping its trainer, it's probably only because it knows death is imminent.
Can't. Stop. Hopping.
Name: Spoink
Type: Psychic
If you're looking for a precocious and spunky critter to keep by your side, then Spoink fits the bill. Sure, it's a little weird that the pig-headed Pokemon uses a giant pink pearl on its head to amplify its psychic abilities, but the way it hops around on the spring it possesses in place of a body? Adorable!
Until you learn that the springing isn't a sign of Spoink's rambunctious attitude, but required to live. That's right; if Spoink stops springing, he stops breathing. Stops doing pretty much anything, really. Try to imagine what kind of paranoia results when death is just a misstep away, and it suddenly becomes easier to understand why Spoink is also a kleptomaniac, ever pursuing a bigger and better pearl.
Cry For Me, Child
Name: Duskull
Type: Ghost
Sure, ghosts are always spooky, and it's no mystery why this Pokemon - styled after the Grim Reaper - puts us on edge. But the single glowing eye sliding back and forth between eye sockets is just the tip of the iceberg where additional eeriness is concerned. Duskull is a nocturnal Pokemon, mostly inhabiting dense forests (obviously), but isn't interested in woodland creatures, only children.
This floating Pokemon is rumored to pursue kids who don't follow the rules. Why? Because it enjoys the sound of them crying. But hey, it's not all creepy; once Duskull evolves into Dusclops, it is capable of swallowing anything into its body cavity, never to be seen again. We'll let you use your imagination.
Delicious Nightmares
Name: Drowzee
Type: Psychic
We don't know if there's something about Psychic type Pokemon that brings out the most troubling in the developers, but Drowzee is yet another hypnotizing critter that makes our skin crawl. The aptly-named Pokemon puts its enemies to sleep, so that it may more easily feast on its dreams. While that certainly places Drowzee under the 'odd' column among the series' more fun-loving Pokemon, it's actually based on the Japanese "baku"; spirits that fed on people's nightmares.
But what it loves most is the dreams of children. We don't know why, and don't want to either. In case Drowzee's powers weren't enough of an invasion of privacy, it also remembers every dream it's consumed, and shares them with those sleeping near them. How many pets can do that?!
Grimer a.k.a. Walking Death
Name: Grimer
Type: Poison
It's disgusting enough that Grimer spends its time in polluted water, feasting on pollution and sewage to survive, but get this Pokemon moving through the world and it will never be the same. Literally; any time Grimer passes over the grond, its toxic slime (grime?) renders the earth incapable of ever again supporting life. If that wasn't hellish enough, the slime also sprouts new Grimers to continue the catastrophe.
It's not all bad, though. Once Grimer evolves into Muk, it gets bigger, and more poisonous; capable of rendering an entire lake toxic with a single drop, and infecting any human being if it desires. Why was a Pokemon this dangerous and unattractive created in the first place? Who knows. Maybe the developers thought Mother Nature should be as terrorized as actual people.
Parasite Evil
Name: Paras
Type: Bug/Grass
While Paras' symbiotic relationship with the mushrooms on its back isn't exactly normal, it is beneficial for both; Paras feeds the mushrooms with its body, and the fungus provides additional means of defense. Exactly how much control the mushrooms can exert over the Pokemon isn't clear, but odd goes to disturbing when Paras evolves into Parasect.
It's hard to say exactly what change takes place at Level 24, but for some reason, the mushrooms take their chance and merge into a single organism, taking over the Paras in the process. With heightened aggression and a pair of zombified milky eyes, anything cute or endearing about Paras is replaced by a demonic drone known as Parasect.
Murder Balloon
Name: Drifloon
Type: Ghost/Flying
How scary can a Pokemon based on a floating balloon be? Sure, it's got a pair of tiny hands, but what devious use could such a lighthearted creature have for them? According to the Pokedex, they're used to "steal children away," with the Japanese version clarifying that Drifloon is taking children to "the world of the dead." Were the developers given a bonus every time they created a Pokemon that would make parents uncomfortable?
The good news is that Drifloon doesn't remain a purple, harmless-looking balloon with an interest in kidnapping children; at level 28 Drifloon evolves into Drifblim, trading its spindly arms for... four stronger ones. And its eyes turn red. Sleep tight, kiddies.
There Will Be Tears
Name: Yamask
Type: Ghost
As proof that not every Pokemon has a complicated or inspired name, we give you Yamask. It's a ghost, holding a mask. We don't mean that this Pokemon is a Ghost type, it is an actual ghost of a human being who has died; the mask it carries is a representation of the one it used to have while living. That bit of character history creeps us out for obvious reasons, but the developers went into even greater depth.
Besides occasionally staring at the mask and breaking into tears, Yamask has an even more sinister side. Since the mask itself carries traces of the Yamask's human identity, someone wearing it will allow the Pokemon to possess them. To what end? Who knows. If trends hold though, we'd put our money on kidnapping children. Once it evolves into Cofagrigus, this Pokemon uses its sarcophagus body to lure in humans and Pokemon, and turn them into zombified mummies.
Geppetto's Nightmare
Name: Banette
Type: Ghost
There's no need to explain why Banette gives us the willies, since the most apt description of this creature is "a doll-like Pokemon that is possessed with pure hatred." You see, Banette wasn't always a Pokemon, but a doll that was driven into being by the hatred felt toward the child that abandoned it. That's already the stuff of nightmares, but the creators went farther, making Banette poke itself with needles to generate energy for its attacks, and even sporting a zipper in place of a mouth.
What makes Banette even more disturbing is that it evolves from Shuppet - a fairly adorable little ball of grey that is drawn to peoples' feelings of envy. We guess it's poetic that evolving lets Shuppet turn that envy into action, but.... a zipper mouth? Do they know kids play these games?
Mommy Issues
Name: Cubone
Type: Ground
From first glance, Cubone is about as cool as a pet could possibly be. Essentially a dinosaur, Cubone walks on its hind legs, swings a bone club, and wears a skull over its face, peeking out from under it like a little kid trying to appear tough for his friends. But in the vast expanse of Pokemon, Cubone might just be the most disturbed of them all. You see, that skull isn't just part of a Halloween costume, or a trinket Cubone discovered while navigating a Looney Tunes desert. It belongs to its mother.
Apparently it wasn't enough for Cubone to simply cry in the night for his lost mother, and a more literal connection was needed. We're not going to ask how Cubone actually acquired the skull of his mother, but things get creepier when it evolves into Marowak. No longer simple ornamentation, the skulls fuses itself to the Pokemon upon evolution, meaning this creature is permanently attached to his mother in a way Norman Bates would envy.
Instead, the developers at Game Freak simply iterate upon each element of gameplay, introduce new creatures for players to collect, and let marketing take care of the rest.
As the franchise closes in on twenty years - and prepares to add yet another Nintendo console to its resume - we thought we'd look back; not on the games or creatures that we most treasure, but the ones that keep us up at night.
Here are the 10 Most Disturbing Pokemon Facts.
Gothita Sees Dead People
Name: Gothita
Type: Psychic
It's disturbing enough that Gothita, this Pokemon's starting form resembles a baby that "stares at something only it can see," but once it evolves into Gothorita at Level 32, its creep factor gets sent sky high. With hypnosis mastered, the creature "steals people away at night." Whether it steals people away as offerings to the thing "only it can see" is impossible to know.
Once the evolution to Gothitelle is achieved at Level 41, this creature uses its psychic abilities to see the future, specifically the death of their trainer. While useful in combat, having this Pokemon in one's arsenal is just too creepy. You can always look on the bright side: if Gothitelle isn't hypno-kidnapping its trainer, it's probably only because it knows death is imminent.
Can't. Stop. Hopping.
Name: Spoink
Type: Psychic
If you're looking for a precocious and spunky critter to keep by your side, then Spoink fits the bill. Sure, it's a little weird that the pig-headed Pokemon uses a giant pink pearl on its head to amplify its psychic abilities, but the way it hops around on the spring it possesses in place of a body? Adorable!
Until you learn that the springing isn't a sign of Spoink's rambunctious attitude, but required to live. That's right; if Spoink stops springing, he stops breathing. Stops doing pretty much anything, really. Try to imagine what kind of paranoia results when death is just a misstep away, and it suddenly becomes easier to understand why Spoink is also a kleptomaniac, ever pursuing a bigger and better pearl.
Cry For Me, Child
Name: Duskull
Type: Ghost
Sure, ghosts are always spooky, and it's no mystery why this Pokemon - styled after the Grim Reaper - puts us on edge. But the single glowing eye sliding back and forth between eye sockets is just the tip of the iceberg where additional eeriness is concerned. Duskull is a nocturnal Pokemon, mostly inhabiting dense forests (obviously), but isn't interested in woodland creatures, only children.
This floating Pokemon is rumored to pursue kids who don't follow the rules. Why? Because it enjoys the sound of them crying. But hey, it's not all creepy; once Duskull evolves into Dusclops, it is capable of swallowing anything into its body cavity, never to be seen again. We'll let you use your imagination.
Delicious Nightmares
Name: Drowzee
Type: Psychic
We don't know if there's something about Psychic type Pokemon that brings out the most troubling in the developers, but Drowzee is yet another hypnotizing critter that makes our skin crawl. The aptly-named Pokemon puts its enemies to sleep, so that it may more easily feast on its dreams. While that certainly places Drowzee under the 'odd' column among the series' more fun-loving Pokemon, it's actually based on the Japanese "baku"; spirits that fed on people's nightmares.
But what it loves most is the dreams of children. We don't know why, and don't want to either. In case Drowzee's powers weren't enough of an invasion of privacy, it also remembers every dream it's consumed, and shares them with those sleeping near them. How many pets can do that?!
Grimer a.k.a. Walking Death
Name: Grimer
Type: Poison
It's disgusting enough that Grimer spends its time in polluted water, feasting on pollution and sewage to survive, but get this Pokemon moving through the world and it will never be the same. Literally; any time Grimer passes over the grond, its toxic slime (grime?) renders the earth incapable of ever again supporting life. If that wasn't hellish enough, the slime also sprouts new Grimers to continue the catastrophe.
It's not all bad, though. Once Grimer evolves into Muk, it gets bigger, and more poisonous; capable of rendering an entire lake toxic with a single drop, and infecting any human being if it desires. Why was a Pokemon this dangerous and unattractive created in the first place? Who knows. Maybe the developers thought Mother Nature should be as terrorized as actual people.
Parasite Evil
Name: Paras
Type: Bug/Grass
While Paras' symbiotic relationship with the mushrooms on its back isn't exactly normal, it is beneficial for both; Paras feeds the mushrooms with its body, and the fungus provides additional means of defense. Exactly how much control the mushrooms can exert over the Pokemon isn't clear, but odd goes to disturbing when Paras evolves into Parasect.
It's hard to say exactly what change takes place at Level 24, but for some reason, the mushrooms take their chance and merge into a single organism, taking over the Paras in the process. With heightened aggression and a pair of zombified milky eyes, anything cute or endearing about Paras is replaced by a demonic drone known as Parasect.
Murder Balloon
Name: Drifloon
Type: Ghost/Flying
How scary can a Pokemon based on a floating balloon be? Sure, it's got a pair of tiny hands, but what devious use could such a lighthearted creature have for them? According to the Pokedex, they're used to "steal children away," with the Japanese version clarifying that Drifloon is taking children to "the world of the dead." Were the developers given a bonus every time they created a Pokemon that would make parents uncomfortable?
The good news is that Drifloon doesn't remain a purple, harmless-looking balloon with an interest in kidnapping children; at level 28 Drifloon evolves into Drifblim, trading its spindly arms for... four stronger ones. And its eyes turn red. Sleep tight, kiddies.
There Will Be Tears
Name: Yamask
Type: Ghost
As proof that not every Pokemon has a complicated or inspired name, we give you Yamask. It's a ghost, holding a mask. We don't mean that this Pokemon is a Ghost type, it is an actual ghost of a human being who has died; the mask it carries is a representation of the one it used to have while living. That bit of character history creeps us out for obvious reasons, but the developers went into even greater depth.
Besides occasionally staring at the mask and breaking into tears, Yamask has an even more sinister side. Since the mask itself carries traces of the Yamask's human identity, someone wearing it will allow the Pokemon to possess them. To what end? Who knows. If trends hold though, we'd put our money on kidnapping children. Once it evolves into Cofagrigus, this Pokemon uses its sarcophagus body to lure in humans and Pokemon, and turn them into zombified mummies.
Geppetto's Nightmare
Name: Banette
Type: Ghost
There's no need to explain why Banette gives us the willies, since the most apt description of this creature is "a doll-like Pokemon that is possessed with pure hatred." You see, Banette wasn't always a Pokemon, but a doll that was driven into being by the hatred felt toward the child that abandoned it. That's already the stuff of nightmares, but the creators went farther, making Banette poke itself with needles to generate energy for its attacks, and even sporting a zipper in place of a mouth.
What makes Banette even more disturbing is that it evolves from Shuppet - a fairly adorable little ball of grey that is drawn to peoples' feelings of envy. We guess it's poetic that evolving lets Shuppet turn that envy into action, but.... a zipper mouth? Do they know kids play these games?
Mommy Issues
Name: Cubone
Type: Ground
From first glance, Cubone is about as cool as a pet could possibly be. Essentially a dinosaur, Cubone walks on its hind legs, swings a bone club, and wears a skull over its face, peeking out from under it like a little kid trying to appear tough for his friends. But in the vast expanse of Pokemon, Cubone might just be the most disturbed of them all. You see, that skull isn't just part of a Halloween costume, or a trinket Cubone discovered while navigating a Looney Tunes desert. It belongs to its mother.
Apparently it wasn't enough for Cubone to simply cry in the night for his lost mother, and a more literal connection was needed. We're not going to ask how Cubone actually acquired the skull of his mother, but things get creepier when it evolves into Marowak. No longer simple ornamentation, the skulls fuses itself to the Pokemon upon evolution, meaning this creature is permanently attached to his mother in a way Norman Bates would envy.
Monday, December 9, 2013
25 Biggest Rip Offs That You’ve Probably Been Tricked Into Buying
(list25) - These days you can’t be too careful. Although everyone knows that emails
from Nigeria are most likely scams, you may not consider some of the
rip offs a bit closer to home. Here are the 25 biggest rip off that
you’ve probably been tricked into buying.
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Happy Hanukkah 2013
KibbyQuesadilla wishes you all a happy Chanukah! (because Christmas is so over rated)
KibbyQuesadilla is not Jewish or Palestinian in ethnic/religious origin. All opinions are my own.
KibbyQuesadilla is not Jewish or Palestinian in ethnic/religious origin. All opinions are my own.
Monday, November 25, 2013
The 15 Most Offensively Named Beauty Products
From Hot Slut Nail varnish to Celebutard lipstick these are the 15 most offensively named beauty products according to Buzzfeed. Enjoy!
Friday, November 22, 2013
Common White Girl Tag. (KQ)
O la, So today I am going to attempt to do a tag that has been going around the internet er..YouTube for a while. The tag is called "The Common White Girl Tag" I know it's a Common White Girl tag & Considering I is not a white girl I thought it would be fun to do anyway. (And you will get to know more about me.) Moving on...
The Questions
1. What is your favourite Starbucks Drink?
Answer: Honestly what is with the Starbucks related questions in every freaking survey out there seriously give it a rest..
2. How long does it take for you to get ready in the morning?
Answer - Depends. It takes me usually 15-20 minutes to get ready.
3. How many selfies do you take on a daily basis?
Answer: Hardly any. The selfies I do take are for my social media.
4. How many Instagram pics & followers do you have?
Answer: I don't have an Instagram so I can't tell you.
5. Do you say "lol" or "omg" out loud.
Answer: No.
6. Do you wear the same clothing more than once?
Answer: Yes all the time. I wear my work uniform & my street clothing for three days max until I change into a new outfit. (I don't go out much so I don't feel like I have impress certain people with my clothing choices)
7. Are you racist?
Answer: I'm not a race car driver...
8. How many tweets do you have?
Answer: As of this post, 677. (Follow @KibbyQuesadilla)
9. Instagram Twitter or Tumblr?
Answer: Twitter. Do not have Instagram or a Tumblr.
10. What do you spend most of your time doing?
Answer: Living. Seriously you might want to try it.
11. Who are your favorite YouTubers?
Answer: I used to watch a bunch of people like ShaneDawsonTV, Nigahiga, Fred, Venetian Princess, Lisa Nova, PhilipDeFranco, Winterspringpro, Juicystar07, IJustine, etc. Anyway I like Julieg713 (saw her grace my television once. she is amazing love her) Grav3yardgirl, MakeupbyTiffanyD, Excatholics. That's about it.
12 Are you a shopaholic?
Answer: I like to shop for stuff but I'm not a compulsive buyer.
13. How many time have you watched Mean Girls?
Answer: Only one time.
14. Do you own a lot of clothes?
Answer: I have quite a collection of clothes but not a HUGE amount. I have a lot of buttoned shirts that make up my wardrobe.
15. Do you wear makeup everyday?
Answer: I don't wear liquid makeup at all. If it was socially acceptable I would wear masqara. I have long lashes & they would pop like fire.
16. Do you take photos of your food before you eat it?
Answer: No.
17. What are your average grades in school"
Answer: I am no longer in school of any kind, but when I was in primary they were average. In Secondary they slipped dramatically. Grades are constructs.
18. How do you style your hair?
Answer: Depends. I like it to look presentable. I like to take a flat iron to straighten it cause it just looks awful if I don't do it all.
19. Do you always look presentable?
Answer: I try to be. If I go out I like to look classy & sophisticated.
There you go. My answers to all the questions that were available. I was not tagged by anyone to do this tag. It was all in good fun & not meant to be taken seriously. So if you want to do this tag/survey I tag anyone that's anybody to do it (if you want) Until next post I will see you all soon.
The Questions
1. What is your favourite Starbucks Drink?
Answer: Honestly what is with the Starbucks related questions in every freaking survey out there seriously give it a rest..
2. How long does it take for you to get ready in the morning?
Answer - Depends. It takes me usually 15-20 minutes to get ready.
3. How many selfies do you take on a daily basis?
Answer: Hardly any. The selfies I do take are for my social media.
4. How many Instagram pics & followers do you have?
Answer: I don't have an Instagram so I can't tell you.
5. Do you say "lol" or "omg" out loud.
Answer: No.
6. Do you wear the same clothing more than once?
Answer: Yes all the time. I wear my work uniform & my street clothing for three days max until I change into a new outfit. (I don't go out much so I don't feel like I have impress certain people with my clothing choices)
7. Are you racist?
Answer: I'm not a race car driver...
8. How many tweets do you have?
Answer: As of this post, 677. (Follow @KibbyQuesadilla)
9. Instagram Twitter or Tumblr?
Answer: Twitter. Do not have Instagram or a Tumblr.
10. What do you spend most of your time doing?
Answer: Living. Seriously you might want to try it.
11. Who are your favorite YouTubers?
Answer: I used to watch a bunch of people like ShaneDawsonTV, Nigahiga, Fred, Venetian Princess, Lisa Nova, PhilipDeFranco, Winterspringpro, Juicystar07, IJustine, etc. Anyway I like Julieg713 (saw her grace my television once. she is amazing love her) Grav3yardgirl, MakeupbyTiffanyD, Excatholics. That's about it.
12 Are you a shopaholic?
Answer: I like to shop for stuff but I'm not a compulsive buyer.
13. How many time have you watched Mean Girls?
Answer: Only one time.
14. Do you own a lot of clothes?
Answer: I have quite a collection of clothes but not a HUGE amount. I have a lot of buttoned shirts that make up my wardrobe.
15. Do you wear makeup everyday?
Answer: I don't wear liquid makeup at all. If it was socially acceptable I would wear masqara. I have long lashes & they would pop like fire.
16. Do you take photos of your food before you eat it?
Answer: No.
17. What are your average grades in school"
Answer: I am no longer in school of any kind, but when I was in primary they were average. In Secondary they slipped dramatically. Grades are constructs.
18. How do you style your hair?
Answer: Depends. I like it to look presentable. I like to take a flat iron to straighten it cause it just looks awful if I don't do it all.
19. Do you always look presentable?
Answer: I try to be. If I go out I like to look classy & sophisticated.
There you go. My answers to all the questions that were available. I was not tagged by anyone to do this tag. It was all in good fun & not meant to be taken seriously. So if you want to do this tag/survey I tag anyone that's anybody to do it (if you want) Until next post I will see you all soon.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
How to play tic tac toe
Tic Tac Toe (also known as Noughts and Cross) is a simple and fun game that can be played almost anywhere & anytime.
Paper and pencil.
The goal of Tic Tac Toe is to be the first player to get three in a row on a 3x3 grid, or four in a row in a 4x4 grid.
Da Rules:
Prepare for the game by drawing the number symbol; # (3X3 or 4x4 table of squares)
The first person chooses to use either X's or O's. These symbols will be placed on the table, in the attempt to have three of them in a row.
The players take turns putting their symbol on the table.
The first player to have 3 of their symbols in a row, whether it is horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, is the winner.
Other rules:
Playing Tic Tac Toe on a 3x3 Board
X always goes first.
Players alternate placing Xs and Os on the board until either (a) one player has three in a row, horizontally, vertically or diagonally; or (b) all nine squares are filled.
If a player is able to draw three Xs or three Os in a row, that player wins.
If all nine squares are filled and neither player has three in a row, the game is a draw.
Playing Tic Tac Toe on a 4x4 Board
X always goes first.
Players alternate placing Xs and Os on the board until either (a) one player has four in a row, horizontally, vertically or diagonally; or (b) all 16 squares are filled.
If a player is able to draw four Xs or four Os in a row, that player wins.
If all 16 squares are filled and neither player has four in a row, the game is a draw.
Tips & warnings.
The center space is arguably the best one to get first
sitting in an outside middle square can be a bad move if you have a clever opponent.
It's said to be a "cats game" when no one wins.
Other Variants
Tic Tac Toe can be also be played on a 5x5 grid with each player trying to get five in a row.
The game can also be played on larger grids, such as 10x10 or even 20x20. For any grid of 6x6 or larger, I recommend sticking to a goal of getting five in a row. This turns the basic game of Tic Tac Toe into a much more complex game with similarities to Pente.
Paper and pencil.
The goal of Tic Tac Toe is to be the first player to get three in a row on a 3x3 grid, or four in a row in a 4x4 grid.
Da Rules:
Prepare for the game by drawing the number symbol; # (3X3 or 4x4 table of squares)
The first person chooses to use either X's or O's. These symbols will be placed on the table, in the attempt to have three of them in a row.
The players take turns putting their symbol on the table.
The first player to have 3 of their symbols in a row, whether it is horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, is the winner.
Other rules:
Playing Tic Tac Toe on a 3x3 Board
X always goes first.
Players alternate placing Xs and Os on the board until either (a) one player has three in a row, horizontally, vertically or diagonally; or (b) all nine squares are filled.
If a player is able to draw three Xs or three Os in a row, that player wins.
If all nine squares are filled and neither player has three in a row, the game is a draw.
Playing Tic Tac Toe on a 4x4 Board
X always goes first.
Players alternate placing Xs and Os on the board until either (a) one player has four in a row, horizontally, vertically or diagonally; or (b) all 16 squares are filled.
If a player is able to draw four Xs or four Os in a row, that player wins.
If all 16 squares are filled and neither player has four in a row, the game is a draw.
Tips & warnings.
The center space is arguably the best one to get first
sitting in an outside middle square can be a bad move if you have a clever opponent.
It's said to be a "cats game" when no one wins.
Other Variants
Tic Tac Toe can be also be played on a 5x5 grid with each player trying to get five in a row.
The game can also be played on larger grids, such as 10x10 or even 20x20. For any grid of 6x6 or larger, I recommend sticking to a goal of getting five in a row. This turns the basic game of Tic Tac Toe into a much more complex game with similarities to Pente.
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Wtf shoes
The Scariest Shoes of All Time - Scary Beautiful Shoe:
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Tourism Clicks in Kansas!
High, so while browsing on youtube I came across a unique Kansas tourism ad that I thought was worth sharing -
Anyone else notice the Wizard of Oz Reference? "Tourism clicks in Kansas!" Right?
A clever ad campaign (imo)
Does your state or country have a unique tourism advertisement?
(Video is from KansasTourism)
Anyone else notice the Wizard of Oz Reference? "Tourism clicks in Kansas!" Right?
A clever ad campaign (imo)
Does your state or country have a unique tourism advertisement?
(Video is from KansasTourism)
Friday, October 18, 2013
Friday, September 27, 2013
How to Pronounce Horse_ebooks (video)
Browsing trough youtube & I came across this interesting video -
(very interesting nevertheless)
What do think?
(video is from YouTube User "pronunciationbook")
(very interesting nevertheless)
What do think?
(video is from YouTube User "pronunciationbook")
Monday, September 23, 2013
10 Tricky Interview Questions and How To Answer Them.
Do job interviews make you nervous? Scared of being asked a question you
don’t know how to answer? Don’t stress; practice! Preparing for tough
interview questions ahead of time will help you respond with confidence
and enthusiasm during the real thing. This article presents 10 tricky
interview questions with example answers to help you master the
interview and get the job.
First off, interviews are not how we normally communicate with people. It is a very structured, formal process, because the employer has a limited time period for interviews to take place. It might seem to you like their questions are meant to trip you up on purpose; in reality, they are designed to help them decide if you are a good fit for the company and whether or not to make an offer of employment to you. Interviewing is a skill that requires practice to master, and it starts by knowing what kinds of questions are asked.
There are two flavors of interview questions: standard and behavioral. Standard interview questions are self-explanatory and straightforward, such as, “Tell me about yourself” and “Why do you want this job?” Behavioral (sometimes called “situational”) questions are more difficult and require you to recall a specific work-related example from your past that makes you qualified for the present position.
Although you won’t know exactly what the interview questions will be, it helps to write down a list of your strengths, skills, and accomplishments, and then think of situations where you demonstrated them, so that they will be fresh in your mind.
Keep in mind that there isn’t a right or wrong answer to a behavioral question. The interviewer is most interested in how you answer, to determine how you will react or behave under certain circumstances. This lets them see if you are a good fit within the company’s culture. During the interview, take time to think about your answer before responding, and ask the interviewer to repeat or clarify the question if you don’t understand. Be specific in your response, but try to deliver it in about 60 seconds.
Read the rest HERE
First off, interviews are not how we normally communicate with people. It is a very structured, formal process, because the employer has a limited time period for interviews to take place. It might seem to you like their questions are meant to trip you up on purpose; in reality, they are designed to help them decide if you are a good fit for the company and whether or not to make an offer of employment to you. Interviewing is a skill that requires practice to master, and it starts by knowing what kinds of questions are asked.
There are two flavors of interview questions: standard and behavioral. Standard interview questions are self-explanatory and straightforward, such as, “Tell me about yourself” and “Why do you want this job?” Behavioral (sometimes called “situational”) questions are more difficult and require you to recall a specific work-related example from your past that makes you qualified for the present position.
Although you won’t know exactly what the interview questions will be, it helps to write down a list of your strengths, skills, and accomplishments, and then think of situations where you demonstrated them, so that they will be fresh in your mind.
Keep in mind that there isn’t a right or wrong answer to a behavioral question. The interviewer is most interested in how you answer, to determine how you will react or behave under certain circumstances. This lets them see if you are a good fit within the company’s culture. During the interview, take time to think about your answer before responding, and ask the interviewer to repeat or clarify the question if you don’t understand. Be specific in your response, but try to deliver it in about 60 seconds.
Read the rest HERE
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Happy First Day of Autumn!
High everyone! I hope you all have a safe, fun fall season.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Hints for Homeowners: Readying a Home for Sale
(The following was taken from a local real estate guide. I am not a
real estate expert or claim to be an expert on the subject, so make your
own evaluations in regard to the information provided. Thanks.)
When it comes to selling a home, curb appeal plays a big role. In real estate, it's typical to ignore the old adage "Don't judge a book by it's cover" & keep driving if you see a home for sale that doesn't instantly catch your eye. As important as curb appeal can be, it's no more or less important than what's on the inside of a home. After all, if what's on the inside doesn't match or exceed what's on the outside, chances of a sale are slim. For those about to put their house on the market, consider the following tips for ensuring your home's interior is as appealing as its exterior.
- Store some furniture or bulky items: This is often referred to as "staging" wherein a homeowner removes furniture or other items in an effort to make a home appear more spacious to prospective buyers. It's perfectly legal & commonplace, particularly among sellers who have lived in a house for a long period of time & have years of clutter to account for. Store items with a nearby storage facility. As an added benefit, with some of the bulkier items now gone, it will be easier to clean the interior before each open house.
- Consider repainting: Stronger colours might have appealed to you or your family over the years, but they might be too strong for prospective buyers. Though most buyers will simply repaint anyway, they might be more inclined to consider your house if the stronger coloured walls are repainted with neutral colours, such as beige or white. Also paint over walls where paint has become stained or deteriorated. Not doing so will give the impression that the house was not well taken care of, a big red flag for buyers.
- Remove keepsakes or knick knacks: Much like removing large furniture can make a family room or den seem larger, removing keep sakes & knick knacks from the foyer or kitchen can make those roomes appear more spacious as well. Since you'll be moving out anyway, this isn't a bad way to get a head start on packing.
Clean out the garage: Garages were once primarily used to park cars. However, garages are also used for storage. A cluttered garage won't help sell a house. An empty or clean garage, however, will appear very spacious & stick in a buyer's mind.
- Fix leaky faucets & shower heads: Leaky faucets & shower heads have a way of becoming unnoticeable background noise if you live in a home long enough. This makes them easy to ignore. However to prospective buyers , such leaks & noises will be noticeable immediatley. Fix all leaks before showing your house.
- Replqace old doorknobs & cabinet handles: Some things about a home tend to remain fixed in a buyer's mind more than others. Old cabinet handles or doorknobs that stick out might be nostalgic to a seller, but might mean something entirely different (namely, neglect) to a buyer. Do a run through of all the little things & fixthem up before showing your house.
Want more tips? Check out my other "Hints for Homeowners: Tips For A Successful Self Move" post)
When it comes to selling a home, curb appeal plays a big role. In real estate, it's typical to ignore the old adage "Don't judge a book by it's cover" & keep driving if you see a home for sale that doesn't instantly catch your eye. As important as curb appeal can be, it's no more or less important than what's on the inside of a home. After all, if what's on the inside doesn't match or exceed what's on the outside, chances of a sale are slim. For those about to put their house on the market, consider the following tips for ensuring your home's interior is as appealing as its exterior.
- Store some furniture or bulky items: This is often referred to as "staging" wherein a homeowner removes furniture or other items in an effort to make a home appear more spacious to prospective buyers. It's perfectly legal & commonplace, particularly among sellers who have lived in a house for a long period of time & have years of clutter to account for. Store items with a nearby storage facility. As an added benefit, with some of the bulkier items now gone, it will be easier to clean the interior before each open house.
- Consider repainting: Stronger colours might have appealed to you or your family over the years, but they might be too strong for prospective buyers. Though most buyers will simply repaint anyway, they might be more inclined to consider your house if the stronger coloured walls are repainted with neutral colours, such as beige or white. Also paint over walls where paint has become stained or deteriorated. Not doing so will give the impression that the house was not well taken care of, a big red flag for buyers.
- Remove keepsakes or knick knacks: Much like removing large furniture can make a family room or den seem larger, removing keep sakes & knick knacks from the foyer or kitchen can make those roomes appear more spacious as well. Since you'll be moving out anyway, this isn't a bad way to get a head start on packing.
Clean out the garage: Garages were once primarily used to park cars. However, garages are also used for storage. A cluttered garage won't help sell a house. An empty or clean garage, however, will appear very spacious & stick in a buyer's mind.
- Fix leaky faucets & shower heads: Leaky faucets & shower heads have a way of becoming unnoticeable background noise if you live in a home long enough. This makes them easy to ignore. However to prospective buyers , such leaks & noises will be noticeable immediatley. Fix all leaks before showing your house.
- Replqace old doorknobs & cabinet handles: Some things about a home tend to remain fixed in a buyer's mind more than others. Old cabinet handles or doorknobs that stick out might be nostalgic to a seller, but might mean something entirely different (namely, neglect) to a buyer. Do a run through of all the little things & fixthem up before showing your house.
Want more tips? Check out my other "Hints for Homeowners: Tips For A Successful Self Move" post)
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
A few jokes for ye.
High everyone! Sorry for being out of commission. I have been busy working a retail job & trying to enjoy the most of summer & also for not being inspired. Well I am back & will try to post as much as I can. so for today's post I am going to share a couple of jokes I found. I am sure these will lighten your day in one way or another so here we go.
Smart Interpreter (source)
A Mexican bandit made a specialty of crossing the Rio Grande from time to time and robbing banks in Texas. Finally, a reward was offered for his capture, and an enterprising Texas ranger decided to track him down.
After a lengthy search, he traced the bandit to his favorite cantina, snuck up behind him, put his trusty six-shooter to the bandit's head, and said, "You're under arrest. Tell me where you hid the loot or I'll blow your brains out."
But the bandit didn't speak English, and the Ranger didn't speak Spanish. Fortunately, a bilingual lawyer was in the saloon and translated the Ranger's message. The terrified bandit blurted out, in Spanish, that the loot was buried under the oak tree in back of the cantina.
"What did he say?" asked the Ranger.
The lawyer answered, "He said 'Get lost, you turkey. You wouldn't dare shoot me.'"
Weather Forecast
A Hollywood director was shooting a big budget movie on location in the desert. One day an old Indian came up to him and said, "Tomorrow rain."
And sure enough the next day it rained.
A few days later, the old Indian appeared on set again, sidled up to the director and said, "Tomorrow storm."
And sure enough, the following day there was a fearful storm which brought a temporary halt to filming.
The director was hugely impressed by the old Indian's weather predictions and told his secretary to put the tribesman on the payroll. However, after a number of other successful forecasts, the Indian didn't show for three weeks. Then the director sent for him.
The director said, "I have to shoot a big scene tomorrow and I'm relying on you. What is the weather going to be like?"
The old Indian shrugged his shoulders, "Don't know. Radio broken."
Vending Machine
There was a blonde woman at a soda machine. She put a dollar in the slot and pushed the Pepsi button. The Pepsi came out, so she took it and put the change in her purse.
She took another dollar out, put it in the machine, and pressed the Mountain Dew button. The Mountain Dew came out, and she took the change and put it in her purse.
Meanwhile, a big line was forming behind her, but she kept taking her money out, putting it in the machine, and pressing buttons.
Someone in the line finally said, "Come on, lady! What's taking you so long?"
She answered, "Duh! I'm still winning!"
Smart Interpreter (source)
A Mexican bandit made a specialty of crossing the Rio Grande from time to time and robbing banks in Texas. Finally, a reward was offered for his capture, and an enterprising Texas ranger decided to track him down.
After a lengthy search, he traced the bandit to his favorite cantina, snuck up behind him, put his trusty six-shooter to the bandit's head, and said, "You're under arrest. Tell me where you hid the loot or I'll blow your brains out."
But the bandit didn't speak English, and the Ranger didn't speak Spanish. Fortunately, a bilingual lawyer was in the saloon and translated the Ranger's message. The terrified bandit blurted out, in Spanish, that the loot was buried under the oak tree in back of the cantina.
"What did he say?" asked the Ranger.
The lawyer answered, "He said 'Get lost, you turkey. You wouldn't dare shoot me.'"
A Hollywood director was shooting a big budget movie on location in the desert. One day an old Indian came up to him and said, "Tomorrow rain."
And sure enough the next day it rained.
A few days later, the old Indian appeared on set again, sidled up to the director and said, "Tomorrow storm."
And sure enough, the following day there was a fearful storm which brought a temporary halt to filming.
The director was hugely impressed by the old Indian's weather predictions and told his secretary to put the tribesman on the payroll. However, after a number of other successful forecasts, the Indian didn't show for three weeks. Then the director sent for him.
The director said, "I have to shoot a big scene tomorrow and I'm relying on you. What is the weather going to be like?"
The old Indian shrugged his shoulders, "Don't know. Radio broken."
Bonus: Blond joke
There was a blonde woman at a soda machine. She put a dollar in the slot and pushed the Pepsi button. The Pepsi came out, so she took it and put the change in her purse.
She took another dollar out, put it in the machine, and pressed the Mountain Dew button. The Mountain Dew came out, and she took the change and put it in her purse.
Meanwhile, a big line was forming behind her, but she kept taking her money out, putting it in the machine, and pressing buttons.
Someone in the line finally said, "Come on, lady! What's taking you so long?"
She answered, "Duh! I'm still winning!"
Sunday, July 14, 2013
8 Sleeping Positions & Their effects on Health.
(dailyhealthpost) - Getting enough sleep is the most important thing – but did you know that how you sleep can also impact your health? Let’s take a look at eight common sleeping positions and what they do to your body.
1. On Your Back, Arms at Sides
Sleeping on your back with your arms at your side is generally considered to be the best sleeping position for spine health and it’s good for your neck, too, as long as you don’t use too many pillows. That said, back sleepers tend to snore more than those in any other position and sleep apnea is strongly associated with sleeping on the back.
2. On Your Back, Arms Up
This so-called “starfish” position is also good for the back. Whether you have your arms up around your pillow or not, sleeping on your back may also help to prevent facial wrinkles and skin breakouts. However, like the arms-down back sleeping position, this one can also result in snoring and problems with acid reflux. Plus, having your arms up can put pressure on nerves in your shoulders, leading to pain.
3. Face Down
Sleeping on your stomach can improve digestion but unless you’ve developed a way to breathe through your pillow, it most likely leads to you tilting your face in one direction or the other. This can put a lot of strain on the neck. Sleeping face down can also cause back pain, as the curve of the spine is not supported.
4. Fetal Position
Sleeping all curled up into a ball with your knees drawn up and your chin tilted down might be comfortable but it can do a number on your back and neck.
The extreme curl of the fetal position can also restrict deep breathing. That considered, sleeping like a fetus can have you sleeping like a baby if you typically have problems with snoring or if you’re pregnant.
5. On Side, Arms at Sides
When you’re sleeping on your side with both arms down, the spine is best supported in its natural curve. This can definitely help reduce back and neck pain while also reducing sleep apnea. The downside? Sleeping on the side can contribute to skin aging due to gravity, meaning facial wrinkles and sagging breasts.
6. On Side, Arms Out
This position has many of the same benefits of sleeping on your side with your arms straight down. However, any side sleeping can cause shoulder and arm pain due to restricted blood flow and pressure on the nerves, which may be exacerbated by having your arms out in front of you.
7. On the Right Side
If you’re a side-sleeper, which side you sleep on also makes a difference. Sleeping on the right side can worsen heartburn while sleeping on the left side can put strain on internal organs like the liver, lungs, and stomach (while minimizing acid reflux). For pregnant sleepers, doctors typically advise sleeping on the left side, since this can improve circulation to the fetus.
8. Pillow-Supplemented
Regardless of which sleeping position you prefer, it’s highly likely that you can get a better night’s rest with less pain in the morning by supplementing your body with a pillow.
Back sleepers can put a small pillow under the arch of their spine, side sleepers can place a pillow between their knees, and stomach sleepers can place a pillow under their hips to support the joints and allow for full, pain-free relaxation.
Which sleeping position gives you the best night’s rest without pain?
Read more: HERE
1. On Your Back, Arms at Sides
Sleeping on your back with your arms at your side is generally considered to be the best sleeping position for spine health and it’s good for your neck, too, as long as you don’t use too many pillows. That said, back sleepers tend to snore more than those in any other position and sleep apnea is strongly associated with sleeping on the back.
2. On Your Back, Arms Up
This so-called “starfish” position is also good for the back. Whether you have your arms up around your pillow or not, sleeping on your back may also help to prevent facial wrinkles and skin breakouts. However, like the arms-down back sleeping position, this one can also result in snoring and problems with acid reflux. Plus, having your arms up can put pressure on nerves in your shoulders, leading to pain.
3. Face Down
Sleeping on your stomach can improve digestion but unless you’ve developed a way to breathe through your pillow, it most likely leads to you tilting your face in one direction or the other. This can put a lot of strain on the neck. Sleeping face down can also cause back pain, as the curve of the spine is not supported.
4. Fetal Position
Sleeping all curled up into a ball with your knees drawn up and your chin tilted down might be comfortable but it can do a number on your back and neck.
The extreme curl of the fetal position can also restrict deep breathing. That considered, sleeping like a fetus can have you sleeping like a baby if you typically have problems with snoring or if you’re pregnant.
5. On Side, Arms at Sides
When you’re sleeping on your side with both arms down, the spine is best supported in its natural curve. This can definitely help reduce back and neck pain while also reducing sleep apnea. The downside? Sleeping on the side can contribute to skin aging due to gravity, meaning facial wrinkles and sagging breasts.
6. On Side, Arms Out
This position has many of the same benefits of sleeping on your side with your arms straight down. However, any side sleeping can cause shoulder and arm pain due to restricted blood flow and pressure on the nerves, which may be exacerbated by having your arms out in front of you.
7. On the Right Side
If you’re a side-sleeper, which side you sleep on also makes a difference. Sleeping on the right side can worsen heartburn while sleeping on the left side can put strain on internal organs like the liver, lungs, and stomach (while minimizing acid reflux). For pregnant sleepers, doctors typically advise sleeping on the left side, since this can improve circulation to the fetus.
8. Pillow-Supplemented
Regardless of which sleeping position you prefer, it’s highly likely that you can get a better night’s rest with less pain in the morning by supplementing your body with a pillow.
Back sleepers can put a small pillow under the arch of their spine, side sleepers can place a pillow between their knees, and stomach sleepers can place a pillow under their hips to support the joints and allow for full, pain-free relaxation.
Which sleeping position gives you the best night’s rest without pain?
Read more: HERE
Friday, June 21, 2013
How To Be Pregnant by Kim Kardashian.
Are you pregnant? Need some tips? Well you're In Luck! Everyone's Favourite reality television star Kim Kardashian Has Got You covered On What You Need To Have A Successful Pregnancy -
(Clip is from Youtube. The video is underthe user name "blndsundoll4mj")
Sunday, June 16, 2013
About Me Survey. (KQ)
For Today's post I am going to do a random about me survey in order to get to know me a little better.
1 What is your name?
A - I go by many names. "Carlos Sanchez" is a stage name.
2 Marital Status -
A - Divorced.
3 Any pets?
A - Dose a Ball Pet count?
4 Where are you from?
A - America.
5 Any Siblings? If so how many?
A- Yes, 1 biological 1 half. (2)
6 Fav Color?
A - I like periwinkle.
7 The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
A - Their hair, if they look feminine.
8 Eye color? A - Blue/hazel to light green depending on the lighting.
9 What is your height?
A - 6 Foot 1-2".
10 Have any tattoos/piercings?
A - No.
11 What is your ethnicity?
A - Disputed. I consider myself to be American.
12 Favourite Flower?
A - Native Wild Sunflower (Helianthus annuus)
13 Do you like taking pictures?
A - Yes, I like photography.
14 Do you smoke?
A - Like Cigarettes? Then No.
15 Do you drink?
A - That H2O tho..
16 Do you think you are smart?
A - Sure I know how to read, write & do math.
17 Do you have a job? If so what?
A - Yes. Cleaning Technician.
18 Have you ever been in a fist fight?
A - Nobody got time furrr dhat!
19 What is your worst habit?
A - Taking something negative like criticism way too personally.
20 What is your sexual orientation?
A - Neutral.
21 Ever had to have surgery?
A - Yes.
22 What is your favorite kind of music?
A - I like Dance, Rock, Metal, Eurodance/pop, Pop
23 Stolen anything?
A - Maybay.. but stealing is wrong!
24 Do you make people angry?
A - I tend to annoy people with my very existence, like get over it bitch..
25 Have you been called a slut before?
A - yes..
26 Did it bother you?
A - I consider it to not be an offensive term to be called such a term.
27 Do you want to move?
A - Yes
28 Right or left handed?
A - Predominately right handed.
29 Your Best Physical Feature: My height.
30 Do you swear?
A - Not that much. I'm a classy sophisticated bitch.
31 Do you sing?
A - Not really.
32 Have you been in love?
A - Meh..
33 Do you think you are attractive?
A - Smokin' Hot Babe.
34 Do you play an instrument?
A - No.
35 Are you pregnant?
A - No.
36 Ever been to a foreign country?
A - Yes I have.
37 What language(s) do you speak?
A - Some English. American English.
38 Are you in school/college
A - No.
39 What is your occupation?
A - Prostitute/drug dealer
40 What is your dream job?
A - Photographer or a singer.
41 What is your favourite holiday?
A - Thanksgiving.
42 When is your bedtime?
A - Varies. Just whenever I guess.
43 Have you ever lost anything down a toilet?
A - No.
44 What is your guilty pleasure?
A - Sweets.
45 Coke or Pepsi?
A - Mountain Dew.
46 What is you Chinese Astrological sign?
A - Horse.
47 Do you eat healthy?
A - Not really.
48 How many kids do you want when you're older?
A - 2-5? Not up for me to decide.
49 Favorite Season?
A - Summer.
50 Where would you like to go on vacation? A - Guatemala.
1 What is your name?
A - I go by many names. "Carlos Sanchez" is a stage name.
2 Marital Status -
A - Divorced.
3 Any pets?
A - Dose a Ball Pet count?
4 Where are you from?
A - America.
5 Any Siblings? If so how many?
A- Yes, 1 biological 1 half. (2)
6 Fav Color?
A - I like periwinkle.
7 The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
A - Their hair, if they look feminine.
8 Eye color? A - Blue/hazel to light green depending on the lighting.
9 What is your height?
A - 6 Foot 1-2".
10 Have any tattoos/piercings?
A - No.
11 What is your ethnicity?
A - Disputed. I consider myself to be American.
12 Favourite Flower?
A - Native Wild Sunflower (Helianthus annuus)
13 Do you like taking pictures?
A - Yes, I like photography.
14 Do you smoke?
A - Like Cigarettes? Then No.
15 Do you drink?
A - That H2O tho..
16 Do you think you are smart?
A - Sure I know how to read, write & do math.
17 Do you have a job? If so what?
A - Yes. Cleaning Technician.
18 Have you ever been in a fist fight?
A - Nobody got time furrr dhat!
19 What is your worst habit?
A - Taking something negative like criticism way too personally.
20 What is your sexual orientation?
A - Neutral.
21 Ever had to have surgery?
A - Yes.
22 What is your favorite kind of music?
A - I like Dance, Rock, Metal, Eurodance/pop, Pop
23 Stolen anything?
A - Maybay.. but stealing is wrong!
24 Do you make people angry?
A - I tend to annoy people with my very existence, like get over it bitch..
25 Have you been called a slut before?
A - yes..
26 Did it bother you?
A - I consider it to not be an offensive term to be called such a term.
27 Do you want to move?
A - Yes
28 Right or left handed?
A - Predominately right handed.
29 Your Best Physical Feature: My height.
30 Do you swear?
A - Not that much. I'm a classy sophisticated bitch.
31 Do you sing?
A - Not really.
32 Have you been in love?
A - Meh..
33 Do you think you are attractive?
A - Smokin' Hot Babe.
34 Do you play an instrument?
A - No.
35 Are you pregnant?
A - No.
36 Ever been to a foreign country?
A - Yes I have.
37 What language(s) do you speak?
A - Some English. American English.
38 Are you in school/college
A - No.
39 What is your occupation?
A - Prostitute/drug dealer
40 What is your dream job?
A - Photographer or a singer.
41 What is your favourite holiday?
A - Thanksgiving.
42 When is your bedtime?
A - Varies. Just whenever I guess.
43 Have you ever lost anything down a toilet?
A - No.
44 What is your guilty pleasure?
A - Sweets.
45 Coke or Pepsi?
A - Mountain Dew.
46 What is you Chinese Astrological sign?
A - Horse.
47 Do you eat healthy?
A - Not really.
48 How many kids do you want when you're older?
A - 2-5? Not up for me to decide.
49 Favorite Season?
A - Summer.
50 Where would you like to go on vacation? A - Guatemala.
Friday, June 14, 2013
How To Fold A Shirt In Under 2 Seconds.
Found This Interesting Video while Searching Through Youtube. Seems Like A Very Helpful Tip.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
10 Utterly Insane Human Records.
- Think you’ve got a party trick worth boasting about? It probably couldn’t compete with these absolutely crazy human world records:
Longest Ear Hair.
India citizen, Anthony Victor, holds the record of the most ear hair. We’re not quite sure how proud one should be about this fact, but Victor has hair measuring up to 7.12 inches sprouting from the center of his outer ears.
Furthest Eyeball Popper.
Putting Mr. Martinez from Daria to shame, American Kim Goodman can pop her eyeballs a creepy 0.47 inches beyond her eye socket. The feat was measured in Turkey in 2007.
Insane Human Records: Longest Maggot Bath.
Though beyond our comprehension why anyone would want to set this record, a British woman, Christine Martin, sat in a bath with maggots for 1 hour and 30 minutes, on what we can only assume was a crazy day in 2002.
Insane Human Records: Most Stretchy Skin.
Garry Turner of Britain can stretch his skin up to 6.25 inches, less due to an amazing talent and more so a medical condition, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. The disorder of connective tissues affects the skins, ligaments and internal organs, allowing Turner to distend his skin to unnatural lengths.
Most Rattlesnakes Held In The Mouth.
Though not quite sure what possessed him to do it, Jackie Bibby, USA, holds the record for most, live, rattlesnakes held in his mouth. In 2001, he held eight, by their tail, for 12.5 seconds.
Insane Human Records: Longest Fingernails, Female.
68 year-old, Lee Redmond, USA, used to hold the record of the longest fingernails for a woman. She started growing them in 1979, and by the time of official measurement in 2008, they reached 28 ft 4.5 in length. Unfortunately, the three decade long effort was wasted in early 2009 when Lee lost her nails in a car accident.
Heaviest Weight Pulled With Eye Sockets.
The Space Cowboy, aka Chayne Hultgren, holds the bizarre and painful record of pulling the heaviest weight with his eye sockets. In 2009, the Australian pulled 907 pounds (humans and cycle) on the ‘Lo Show Dei Record’ show in Italy.
Farthest Nasal Ejection Of Spaghetti.
Kevin Cole, of New Mexico, USA, holds the record for blowing the longest spaghetti strand out of a nostril in a single blow. Cole started spraying Ramon noodles out of his nose, and then slowly progressed on to spaghetti. His crowning achievement was recorded in 1998, with his spaghetti strand measuring 7.5 inches.
Contortionist Who Can Fit Through A Tennis Racquet.
Captain Frodo, born in Norway and living in Australia, is known as the ‘Incredible Rubberman’ for his crazy contortionist ways. Born double jointed, Captain Frodo holds the record for being able to swallow the most swards, but his real trick is his ability to squeeze head and shoulders through the head of a tennis racquet.
Farthest Squirting Milk From The Eye.
Ilker Yilmaz, a construction worker from Turkey, can squirt milk from his eyes up to 9 ft 2 in, which he disgustingly proved in a hotel in Istanbul in 2004.
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Job Fail - Transaction.
For today's post I am just going to tell you about a little mistake I did at my job. Let's go.
- Honestly today was just bleh. I got up super early just to go to work to find out I screwed up on something. I was outside today just doing some work out there (I work at a retail store greenhouse, which includes watering plants, consolidating plants & sweeping) It was going pretty good so until my manager told me we were short $100 from the previous day. At the end of the day they count the total amount of the profit made. I said I didn't know what happened. I was working the whole day yesterday so I just assumed I did not know. He basically told me I did something wrong at the register. So at around 11:45 ish after an investigation I was called up to see the manager about the transaction. My manager told me I messed up a transaction while ringing up a customer. The customers total was around $120 with everything rung up, but the register somehow rang up only $20 after I checked the amount. To my mistake I gave the customer back the $100 & only charged $20. So basically when all was said & done it was my fault I did the transaction wrong. oops! My manager was not to happy & told me If I did that again I would be fired. So be it I really couldn't care less if that happened, anyway I am going to get more register training sometime this week. If I need help I am going to have to ask someone other than the manager as he is going on holiday. I told my mum & she almost freaked out. She told me what am I going to do for work if I do get fired. Like did she forget I had a a job before? Seriously so done with this BS. I want to go out of state for work because of personal issues & other stuff, but that's a whole other story. So Ja that one little mistake (that I admitted to doing) nearly cost me my job. I will never hear the end of this. I will be judged forever. So that concludes my story for the day. I just felt like I wanted to share this so thanks for reading & I will see you in the next post.
- Honestly today was just bleh. I got up super early just to go to work to find out I screwed up on something. I was outside today just doing some work out there (I work at a retail store greenhouse, which includes watering plants, consolidating plants & sweeping) It was going pretty good so until my manager told me we were short $100 from the previous day. At the end of the day they count the total amount of the profit made. I said I didn't know what happened. I was working the whole day yesterday so I just assumed I did not know. He basically told me I did something wrong at the register. So at around 11:45 ish after an investigation I was called up to see the manager about the transaction. My manager told me I messed up a transaction while ringing up a customer. The customers total was around $120 with everything rung up, but the register somehow rang up only $20 after I checked the amount. To my mistake I gave the customer back the $100 & only charged $20. So basically when all was said & done it was my fault I did the transaction wrong. oops! My manager was not to happy & told me If I did that again I would be fired. So be it I really couldn't care less if that happened, anyway I am going to get more register training sometime this week. If I need help I am going to have to ask someone other than the manager as he is going on holiday. I told my mum & she almost freaked out. She told me what am I going to do for work if I do get fired. Like did she forget I had a a job before? Seriously so done with this BS. I want to go out of state for work because of personal issues & other stuff, but that's a whole other story. So Ja that one little mistake (that I admitted to doing) nearly cost me my job. I will never hear the end of this. I will be judged forever. So that concludes my story for the day. I just felt like I wanted to share this so thanks for reading & I will see you in the next post.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Collective Thrift Store/Garage Sale Haul.
High, So today's post is going to be different. I am going to post a YouTube Video That Filmed a while ago. I have not posted anything on Youtube for the past year (2013) so why not post? So I filmed a haul video (in which you go out, buy some things & show it to people) on my most recent purchases. This video is not the best quality so please bear with it and m horrible voice. Watch HERE
(Could not embed video due to error. Sorry)
(Could not embed video due to error. Sorry)
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Kanye West’s Latest Rap ‘New Slaves’ Compares Consumerism To Slavery.
Now here's some news you do not need but night still be interesting to a few -
- Kanye West’s new song, launched on May 17, compared consumerism to slavery. “What you want, a Bentley? Fur coat? A diamond chain?” he rapped. “New slaves.”
In his nearly two minute long song, West ranted about corporations and consumerism. “F*** you and your corporations,” he rapped. “I know that we the new slaves.”
This song is rather hypocritical coming from a rapper who is worth $100 million, according to Celebritynetworth.com, and is currently engaged to Kim Kardashian. Kardashian is co-founder of DASH boutique, and she and her sisters have an entire fashion line – the Kardashian Kollection -- available at Sears.
This is the same Kanye West who was outspokenly supportive of the Occupy Wall Street protests and showed up wearing gold chains and a grill. He was also No. 22 on Forbes’ 25 highest paid musicians of 2012.
Read more: Here
- Kanye West’s new song, launched on May 17, compared consumerism to slavery. “What you want, a Bentley? Fur coat? A diamond chain?” he rapped. “New slaves.”
In his nearly two minute long song, West ranted about corporations and consumerism. “F*** you and your corporations,” he rapped. “I know that we the new slaves.”
This song is rather hypocritical coming from a rapper who is worth $100 million, according to Celebritynetworth.com, and is currently engaged to Kim Kardashian. Kardashian is co-founder of DASH boutique, and she and her sisters have an entire fashion line – the Kardashian Kollection -- available at Sears.
This is the same Kanye West who was outspokenly supportive of the Occupy Wall Street protests and showed up wearing gold chains and a grill. He was also No. 22 on Forbes’ 25 highest paid musicians of 2012.
Read more: Here
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Top 10 People Who Give Judaism A Bad Name
Judaism is one of the oldest religions still alive today, and is the
oldest of the Abrahamic religions (Islam, Christianity, and Judaism).
Famous Jews such as Albert Einstein, Jesus, and Sigmund Freud, are
considered some of the greatest people ever. However, Judaism, like
every other religion, has its sociopaths. People like Trotsky and Karl
Marx, who were born Jews, will not be included to get rid of some
controversy. No. 2 will be considered a Jew because he was born Jewish.
This list is the fourth in the religious “bad-name” lists – the first three being:
Top 10 People who Give Christianity a Bad Name
Top 10 People who Give Atheism a Bad Name, and
Top 10 people who Give Islam a Bad Name.
This list is the fourth in the religious “bad-name” lists – the first three being:
Top 10 People who Give Christianity a Bad Name
Top 10 People who Give Atheism a Bad Name, and
Top 10 people who Give Islam a Bad Name.
Friday, May 17, 2013
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
12 Jobs On The Brink: Will They Evolve Or Go Extinct.
(Salary.com) - Once upon a time good employees updated their job skills and advanced to the next career level with the regularity of Mario questing for Princess Peach.
But then technology proliferated, and the well-read encyclopedia salesman, savvy VCR repairman and worldly travel agent either faded away or morphed into updated versions of their former selves.
Are you prepared for an evolving work environment or, worse, job extinction? Don't be the Cro Magnon who creates trendy CD artwork in an MP3 world.
Check out these jobs on the brink and remember,clever and creative are transferable skills -- if you're adaptable and ready for the next big thing.
But then technology proliferated, and the well-read encyclopedia salesman, savvy VCR repairman and worldly travel agent either faded away or morphed into updated versions of their former selves.
Are you prepared for an evolving work environment or, worse, job extinction? Don't be the Cro Magnon who creates trendy CD artwork in an MP3 world.
Check out these jobs on the brink and remember,clever and creative are transferable skills -- if you're adaptable and ready for the next big thing.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Douchebags, Sluts & Boners: The Origins Of Some Of The Most Well-Known Slang Words & Insults.
- Boner. It hasn't always referred to a penis, you know. In fact, in the early '80s, there was a sitcom character named Boner, that had absolutely nothing to do with erections. But for those of us born in the '90s, the term will likely be linked to hard ons.
There are quite a few words like this -- words that may have started out innocently enough but are now "not-ready-for-prime-time" terms. We thought it'd be interesting to explore where words like douchebag, twat and cunt came from. It's not always where you'd think!
There are quite a few words like this -- words that may have started out innocently enough but are now "not-ready-for-prime-time" terms. We thought it'd be interesting to explore where words like douchebag, twat and cunt came from. It's not always where you'd think!
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
9 Of The Worst Product Names Ever.
They called it what?
Getting consumers to pluck a product off the shelf is a tough task on its own. Convincing them to take a chance on a product with a name that makes them recoil in horror is an exercise in masochism.
Companies are obsessed with "trial" -- the moment in which a consumer is so swayed by marketing, packaging or product claims that they drop their guard and try something new. It's the reason Costco(COST) is littered with sampling stations, 7-Eleven is rife with colorful point-of-sale displays andNetflix (NFLX) offers the first month for free.
But even Netflix couldn't convince customers to buy into a DVD-by-mail product called Qwikster. Not only did it sound dumb -- and co-opt that "-ster" suffix that Napster considered edgy 14 years ago -- but it was selling users a service they were already paying for at a higher price through a proposed splinter company they had no experience with. The name was the least of that idea's problems, but it didn't help.
Still, Netflix got off lightly. Other companies have been subjected to ridicule or worse for their unfortunate or downright offensive product names. Here are nine examples of names that not only don't sell items, but send consumers laughing or running in the other direction.
Getting consumers to pluck a product off the shelf is a tough task on its own. Convincing them to take a chance on a product with a name that makes them recoil in horror is an exercise in masochism.
Companies are obsessed with "trial" -- the moment in which a consumer is so swayed by marketing, packaging or product claims that they drop their guard and try something new. It's the reason Costco(COST) is littered with sampling stations, 7-Eleven is rife with colorful point-of-sale displays andNetflix (NFLX) offers the first month for free.
But even Netflix couldn't convince customers to buy into a DVD-by-mail product called Qwikster. Not only did it sound dumb -- and co-opt that "-ster" suffix that Napster considered edgy 14 years ago -- but it was selling users a service they were already paying for at a higher price through a proposed splinter company they had no experience with. The name was the least of that idea's problems, but it didn't help.
Still, Netflix got off lightly. Other companies have been subjected to ridicule or worse for their unfortunate or downright offensive product names. Here are nine examples of names that not only don't sell items, but send consumers laughing or running in the other direction.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Rant: Cell Phones.
High, so you know what I don't understand? Cell phones. I don't understand how so many people have them & I don't. I mean there is a phone that I can use but it is a cheap Motorola tracphone (like who uses tracphone?) I feel like I am not apart of this elite club of cell phone owners (not like I'm ant-cell phone or anything) Like I really care, but I rely don't have a use for one. Like who am I going to call? I only know people that I know of are my 2 close friends & 2 family members. Besides I really don't want the hassle of a plan anyway with it being so expensive. And what is with these places that do not allow cell phones? When I was is secondary school there was a no phone policy & that did not stop people from texting on there phones. If you got cough your phone would be taken away & you would have to beg for it back. Most schools do not even allow cell phones, like wtf are you insane? That goes with businesses as well (at least where I'm from) Like just today at my job I was minding my own beans while out of nowhere my cell phone rang. I was not aware the first time that my phone went off but it was indeed me. I answered it then hung up. My co worker got stern & told me that cell phones are not allowed & are to be kept at your locker. Like nobody fucking told me that I could not have a cell phone with me. I explained that I mainly use my phone as a watch for mainly to keep track of time if I'm outside working. The person told me that there was a phone inside I could look to to keep time like okay thanks for telling me now! Honestly if you have a fucking problem with cell phones go fuck yourself seriously if they are such a huge problem why not ban them? Let's get the federal government to install a union wide cell phone ban. Would that make a difference? Would there be world peace? I'm not going to hold my breath. Oh & if you are in any way offended with me using a cell phone for whatever reason I really don't give a flying fuck, I will use my damn phone when I want! So ja that is about all for my bizarre rant until next post; thanks for reading.
Monday, April 29, 2013
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
How To Be A Youtube Famous Video Blogger!
Ever wondered how you can be a YouTube Famous Video Blogger? Watch The following video -
Nailed it!
Monday, April 15, 2013
52 Plants In The Wild You Can Eat.
We all know our vegetables and fruits are safe to eat, but what about other wild edibles? Here are a few common North American goodies that are safe to eat if you find yourself stuck in the wild:
Many wild berries are not safe to eat, it’s best to stay away from them. But wild blackberries are 100% safe to eat and easy to recognize. They have red branches that have long thorns similar to a rose, the green leaves are wide and jagged. They are best to find in the spring when their white flowers bloom, they are clustered all around the bush and their flowers have 5 points. The berries ripen around August to September.
The easiest to recognize if the dandelion, in the spring they show their bright yellow buds. You can eat the entire thing raw or cook them to take away the bitterness, usually in the spring they are less bitter. They are packed with Vitamin A and Vitamin C, and beta carotene.
The vegetable that makes your pee smell funny grows in the wild in most of Europe and parts of North Africa, West Asia, and North America. Wild asparagus has a much thinner stalk than the grocery-store variety. It’s a great source of source of vitamin C, thiamine, potassium and vitamin B6. Eat it raw or boil it like you would your asparagus at home.
An elderberry shrub can grow easily grow about 10 feet and yield tons of food, their leaf structure is usually 7 main leaves on a long stretched out stem, the leaves are long and round and the leaves themselves have jagged edges. These are easiest to identify in the spring as they blossom white clustered flowers that resembles an umbrella. Mark the spot and harvest the berries when they’re ripe around September.
Elderberries are known for their flu and cold healing properties, you can make jelly from them and are very sweet and delicious.
Mulberry leaves have two types, one spade shape and a 5 fingered leaf. Both have pointed edges.
These are also common in the woods in northern Missouri, the branches are grey and have long red thorns, and the leaves are bright green and have 5 points, they have rounded edges and look similar to the shape of a maple leaf. The flowers in the spring are very odd looking, they are bright red and hang down, the berries ripen around late May early June.
Pretty much the entire plant is edible and is also known for medicinal values. We were blessed to find this great patch of Kudzu surrounded by Blackberries. The leaves can be eaten raw, steam or boiled. The root can be eaten as well.
There are over one hundred different species of pine. Not only can the food be used as a supply of nourishment but, also can be used for medicinal purposes. Simmer a bowl of water and add some pine needles to make tea. American Indians used to ground up pine to cure skurvy, its rich in vitamin C.
You can find this plant in many parts of the US, they have bright orange flowers and foliage that comes straight up from the ground, no stem. You can eat the flower buds before they open, just cook it like a vegetable.
An elderberry shrub can grow easily grow about 10 feet and yield tons of food, their leaf structure is usually 7 main leaves on a long stretched out stem, the leaves are long and round and the leaves themselves have jagged edges. These are easiest to identify in the spring as they blossom white clustered flowers that resembles an umbrella. Mark the spot and harvest the berries when they’re ripe around September.
Elderberries are known for their flu and cold healing properties, you can make jelly from them and are very sweet and delicious.

Read the rest HERE
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