Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Setting Goals for the New Year
= With the new year many people are focused on "resolutions" now for me "resolutions" would be goals set for each month of the year. When I was in Secondary school our English teacher would have us (the class) write in a journal to list goals for the month. I would think of a goal(s) & write them down & hope to accomplish them during the month. If you wanted to do something like clean your bedroom, or floss your teeth the best way to remember was to write them down. By writing something down you are more likely to remember it, believe me it helps. So in order to start your goal setting you'll need: A notebook or binder with paper, a writing utensil (a pen works best) & of course goals. Since it is a brand new month in this case January, what are your goals going to be for the month? How are you going to accomplish them? Think of something that you want or need to do & in your notebook write it down.It may be difficult to think of goals so think of something you want to do & write it down so you won't forget. Now all you have to do it just accomplish your goal! You have the month so don't panic. Even if you missed a goal don't worry there is always the next month to try again; remember you want to accomplish all your written goals the best you can during that month. Write down the small ones and then the bigger ones last, that way you will focus more on the small ones & once those are done you can focus on the bigger ones, but it's totally up to you.
I hope this helps on your resolutions for the new year 2015, if not do something that helps you to accomplish your goals. Remember these are YOUR goals not anybody elses. Until the next post I will see you soon.
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Merry Christmas
Kibby Quesadilla here wishing y'all a Happy Xmas! What are you thankful for?

(I do not own this image, opinions are my own)
(I do not own this image, opinions are my own)
15 Strangest Ways People Have Died
Strange indeed...
(Video is from Top Trending)
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
The U.S. Government Wants to Keep You From Wearing "Comfyballs" Boxers
(The following contains mature subject matter that some may not find suitable, discretion is advised)
( - The regrettably named Norwegian underwear brand Comfyballs was all set to make its big debut in the U.S. this year when it was shut down by the country's patent and trademark office. A trademark on Comfyballs, USPTO argued, was just too vulgar for Americans to accept.
The Independent reports on the tribulations of the company, which was already comforting balls across Australia, New Zealand, Scandinavia, and the U.K. when its trademark application was denied:
But American authorities banned it from operating under that name, finding that, "in the context of the applicant's goods... Comfyballs means only one thing - that a man's testicles, or 'balls,' will be comfortable in the applicant's undergarments.
"The mark does not create a double entendre or other idiomatic expression... When used in this way, the word, 'balls' has an offensive meaning."
What makes Comfyballs so comfy? According to the company, the fist-sized crotch protrusion you see on the pair above isn't just for looks. Au contraire, it is the pinnacle of testicular technology:
Package Front™ is designed to keep your equipment in place, while being lifted away from the inside of your thighs, preventing unnecessary heating of the balls. Extremely curved panels combined with innovative use of elastic fabric seams lift the user experience to a new level!
Citing successful trademarks on brands like "Nice balls," and "I love my balls," Comfyballs founder Anders Selvig told the Independent he'd like to see the USPTO review its decision to pan his application. Until then, Hanes and Fruit of the Loom will have to suffice for owners of insufficiently cushioned scrotums. Read the rest HERE
( - The regrettably named Norwegian underwear brand Comfyballs was all set to make its big debut in the U.S. this year when it was shut down by the country's patent and trademark office. A trademark on Comfyballs, USPTO argued, was just too vulgar for Americans to accept.
The Independent reports on the tribulations of the company, which was already comforting balls across Australia, New Zealand, Scandinavia, and the U.K. when its trademark application was denied:
"The mark does not create a double entendre or other idiomatic expression... When used in this way, the word, 'balls' has an offensive meaning."
* * * *
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Women dyeing their armpit hair is now a thing
( - The latest trend in hair care has nothing to do with your head.
Instagram accounts devoted to female body hair are popping up across the social media site, with one very hair-raising trend — women dying their armpit fuzz all colors of the rainbow for dramatic effect.
The photos have the Internet in a tizzy, as women and men alike continue to divide themselves into pro- and anti-body hair camps. Click HERE to see pics
Update: It's a lie!
Thursday, November 27, 2014
It's Thanksgiving
High. So I was originally not going to post a blog today in honour of Thanksgiving holiday & with it being so busy & all, yet someone on Facebook reminded me otherwise. Every year people love to remind me that white people tooked native land from natives & other xenophobic rubbish. I am not gonna let these people ruin my holiday. Thanksgiving is more than a holiday it's about family & what you're thankful for. I'm thankful for life, friends, family, that I have a job, food, water, clothes, etc. What are you thankful for? We should slow down & reflect on what is really important in life. Instead of complaining we should be grateful not only this day but everyday. Soon we won't even have a Thanksgiving holiday. Anyway I'm wishing y'all a..

Until next time.
(image courtesy of Google images)
Until next time.
(image courtesy of Google images)
Monday, November 17, 2014
True Lyfe: An Animal Ruined My Vacation: Dirty Dolphin
Warning: The following contains mature subject matter that will likely offend. Viewer discretion is advised.
From NatGeoWild:
Also t he comment section is loaded with beastiality remarks which I am not going to get into. Seriously can I watch a video & have it not be ruined by people's comments? This is why I hate Youtube.
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Recipe: Pumpkin Better than Sex Cake
A coworker of ours recently left for another job, so to celebrate her farewell one of the co workers make a cake for everyone. The cake was called Pumpkin Better than Sex Cake. Ohhh Scandalous! Anyway it was very tasty & managed to get the recipe & share it with you. So give it a try for your next Thanksgiving or Autumn desert.
(You can find this recipe through various websites online, like Pinterest)
1 box yellow cake mix
14 oz pumpkin puree (NOT PUMPKIN PIE FILLING)
1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
14 oz. can sweetened condensed milk
8 oz. tub cool whip
1/2 bag Heath Bits
Caramel Sundae Sauce
14 oz pumpkin puree (NOT PUMPKIN PIE FILLING)
1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
14 oz. can sweetened condensed milk
8 oz. tub cool whip
1/2 bag Heath Bits
Caramel Sundae Sauce
In a large bowl mix together the cake mix, the pumpkin puree (DO NOT add the other ingredients on the cake mix box), and the pumpkin pie spice until a batter forms. Using the 14 oz. can of pumpkin puree will yield a thicker batter. You can add up to 1 cup more pumpkin if you'd like a thinner batter (which will yield a slightly fluffier cake).
Pour batter into a well greased 9x9 (9x13 if you added more pumpkin) baking dish. Bake at 350º for 35-45 minutes until a toothpick inserted comes out clean.
Let cool completely after baking. Using the bottom of a wooden spoon, poke holes all over the top of the cake.
Pour the sweetened condensed milk over the cake, aiming to fill the holes. Refrigerate for 30 minutes or until the sweetened condensed milk has soaked into the cake.
Spread the cool whip over top of cake. Sprinkle on the heath bits, and drizzle caramel over top (just to your liking). Refrigerate for 3-4 hours, or overnight (best).
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Thug Kitchen Cookbook (Explicit)
Watch the official trailer for the Thug Kitchen Cookbook available wherever books are sold October 2014:
Friday, October 3, 2014
Is Kansas Really "Flatter than a Pancake"?
Or the Netherlands?
(Via MentalFloss) - In a survey conducted by the American Geographical Society, almost a third of all respondents said that Kansas was the flattest state. Some people even call it “flatter than a pancake.” But what does science have to say about that?
The first, and only, study that we know of that directly compared the Sunflower State to a pancake was done by a trio of geographers in 2003. For their tongue-in-cheek analysis, they acquired a pancake from IHOP, cut out a sample slice and made a topographic profile of it using a laser microscope (assuring us that they would “not be daunted by the ‘No Food or Drink’ sign posted in the microscopy room”). They then compared their pancake to an east-west profile of Kansas taken from a 1:250,000 scale digital model of the state’s elevation data, and calculated flatness estimates for each.
A flatness value of 1.000 would indicate “perfect, platonic flatness.” The pancake was scored as 0.957, which the researchers said is “pretty flat, but far from perfectly flat.” The value for Kansas, meanwhile was ~0.9997, or “damn flat,” as they said.
“Simply put, our results show that Kansas is considerably flatter than a pancake,” the team concluded.
Clarifying Allison’s retort in a paper from earlier this year, geographers Jerome Dobson and Joshua Campbell explain it like this:
“The pancake measured in the article was 130 millimeters, and its surface relief was 2 millimeters. Apply that ratio to the east-west dimension of Kansas, approximately 644 kilometers, and the state would need a mountain (2/130 x 664,000 meters) 9,908 meters tall in order not to be flatter than a pancake. Since the highest mountain in the world is 8,848 meters tall, every state in the U.S. is flatter than a pancake.”
So, go ahead and rejoice, Kansans. Your state’s not alone in being flatter than a flapjack. But breakfast food comparisons aside, which state is the flattest? Dobson and Campbell’s research has more good news for Kansas: it’s not even in the top five.
For their study, The Flatness of U.S. States, the pair developed a measure of human-scale perception of flatness by creating an algorithm that approximated what a person of average height would see if they were standing in a given spot and turning around in a circle, taking in 16 different views in a revolution. Then they took elevation data for the country from NASA’s Shuttle Radar Topography Mission, divided the contiguous U.S. (sorry, Alaska and Hawaii, but they already figured you wouldn’t be the flattest) into 90-meter cells and ran the algorithm to get a flatness score for each cell (calculated by the number of views in the cell that appeared flat: 0-4 flat views was considered “not flat”; 5-8 flat views, flat; 9-12, flatter and 13-16, flattest). Each state was then measured in terms of percentage of land that was not flat, flat, flatter and flattest, and then ranked.
The state with the most land in the flat, flatter and flattest categories is, perhaps surprisingly, Florida. Illinois, North Dakota, Louisiana, Minnesota, Delaware, Kansas, Texas, Nevada and Indiana round out the top ten.
Kansas isn't as flat as we think it is when we stand there and look around, and Florida is flatter looking than most people probably give it credit for. It raises interesting questions for future research, the scientists say: “What drives human perceptions of flatness? Do Florida’s dense forests mask its flatness? Does standing water influence human perception of flatness?”
For now, you might ask if flatness and perception of it matters much. Dobson and Campbell think so. First, they say, “business, academic, and other recruiting, for instance, are hampered by negative attitudes about the perceived flatness” of the Midwest, and revealing Kansas for as not-flat as it is can combat that stereotype (I can see the billboards now, “Welcome to Kansas: Not as Flat as Delaware!”). A second benefit to having a measure of nationwide flatness is that it can help in finding good homes for wind turbines, highways or other infrastructure that requires flat land.
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Adventure Time With Finn & Jake (Cute Kitten Edition)
One of my current favourite television shows at the moment gets remade with cute kittens. I don't know..
(From the user ThePetCollective)
(From the user ThePetCollective)
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Is it Christmas 2014 already?
Say aint not so!
Saturday, August 30, 2014
L’Oréal Releases New Line Of Makeup Specifically For Men To Wear When Wives Not Home
Via The Onion:
NEW YORK—In an effort to cater to a long-neglected demographic, global cosmetics brand L’Oréal released Sheer Discretion this week, a new line of makeup specially designed for men to wear when their wives are not home. “Sheer Discretion enables men everywhere to finally give themselves the full eyelashes and pouty lips they deserve while their wives are away at work,” L’Oréal representatives said of the cosmetic products, which come in discreet packaging and can be quickly wiped clean with just a splash of water if one’s wife suddenly walks through the front door. “Featuring a smooth foundation that conceals, hides imperfections, and blends evenly over the thickest stubble, our Sheer Discretion line of products are casual enough for just hanging out in the living room in your wife’s blouse or providing that exact dash of chic you need to pull off her ruby chiffon gown.” L’Oréal executives confirmed that the product release would be accompanied by an advertising campaign urging women to enjoy an evening out with their friends and leave their husbands at home for the night.
NEW YORK—In an effort to cater to a long-neglected demographic, global cosmetics brand L’Oréal released Sheer Discretion this week, a new line of makeup specially designed for men to wear when their wives are not home. “Sheer Discretion enables men everywhere to finally give themselves the full eyelashes and pouty lips they deserve while their wives are away at work,” L’Oréal representatives said of the cosmetic products, which come in discreet packaging and can be quickly wiped clean with just a splash of water if one’s wife suddenly walks through the front door. “Featuring a smooth foundation that conceals, hides imperfections, and blends evenly over the thickest stubble, our Sheer Discretion line of products are casual enough for just hanging out in the living room in your wife’s blouse or providing that exact dash of chic you need to pull off her ruby chiffon gown.” L’Oréal executives confirmed that the product release would be accompanied by an advertising campaign urging women to enjoy an evening out with their friends and leave their husbands at home for the night.
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Hello Kitty: not a cat?
But it has "Kitty in the name..
(Telegraph) - She turns 40 this year, but Hello Kitty's blank face and impressive skill with accessories are still as ubiquitous as they were when the Japanese character launched in 1974 as a coin purse.
But news for fans - did you know that Hello Kitty is not a cat, but a young British girl with a twin sister and an entire backstory?
Christine R Yano, an anthropologist from the University of Hawaii and visiting professor at Harvard, has spent years studying the phenomenon that is Hello Kitty and her lasting appeal.
Speaking to the LA Times, she explains some of the lesser-known facts about the cutesy character.
"Hello Kitty is not a cat," she says.
"She's a cartoon character. She is a little girl. She is a friend. But she is not a cat. She's never depicted on all fours. She walks and sits like a two-legged creature. She does have a pet cat of her own, however, and it's called Charmmy Kitty."
Here are some other things you might not know about Hello Kitty:
She's actually British. She has an entire backstory that sees her living at home outside London with her parents, George and Mary White
Her full name is Kitty White
She has a twin sister called Mimmy White, a cool grandpa called Anthony and a sweet grandma called Margaret
She's a Scorpio
She loves apple pie
As well as her own pet cat, Charmmy, she has a hamster called Sugar, given to her by her friend Dear Daniel
(Telegraph) - She turns 40 this year, but Hello Kitty's blank face and impressive skill with accessories are still as ubiquitous as they were when the Japanese character launched in 1974 as a coin purse.
But news for fans - did you know that Hello Kitty is not a cat, but a young British girl with a twin sister and an entire backstory?
Christine R Yano, an anthropologist from the University of Hawaii and visiting professor at Harvard, has spent years studying the phenomenon that is Hello Kitty and her lasting appeal.
Speaking to the LA Times, she explains some of the lesser-known facts about the cutesy character.
"Hello Kitty is not a cat," she says.
Here are some other things you might not know about Hello Kitty:
She's actually British. She has an entire backstory that sees her living at home outside London with her parents, George and Mary White
Her full name is Kitty White
She has a twin sister called Mimmy White, a cool grandpa called Anthony and a sweet grandma called Margaret
She's a Scorpio
She loves apple pie
As well as her own pet cat, Charmmy, she has a hamster called Sugar, given to her by her friend Dear Daniel
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Feminists Say Roofie-Detecting Nail Polish Is Actually Also Rape Culture
“I don’t want to f[***]ing test my drink when I’m at the bar,” said Rebecca Nagle, one of the co-directors of an activist group called FORCE: Upsetting Rape Culture. “That’s not the world I want to live in.”
* * * *
Related: US: Students create roofie-detecting nail polish (explains roofie-detecting nail polish a little better)
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Retail life: Customer Service problems
O la. So the other day I was at work doing the cash registers ringing people up & I noticed a military person waiting in line. I think it was a person from the military because she was dressed in a one piece camo outfit. I couldn't help notice that she waited in line with everyone else (because I was the only one open) and nobody seemed to noticed. Then the line started to move & she was next. I said hello and asked if she found everything, which she did. So I finished ringing her up & said nothing else & continued to work. Usually in these sorts of situations you would treat them differently then everyone else because they are the military & fight for freedom & blah blah blah. Usually the case but I treated her respectfully & as an equal. I remember reading an article about an airliner who processed army men (which they did not know they were) & the media threw a hissy fit over it & were forced to apologize. I applaud that airliner for treating them like everyone else. EQUALLY. It's all I ever here know is "Equality" Um did equality originally mean giving women the right to vote? Because if so someone should tell the media. I am glad I didn't get screamed at by some right winger on treating this costumer as an equal. I try to treat people with respect & it blows up in my face. I can't win. R-E-S-P-E-C-T find out what that means to me cause I don't know anymore.
Monday, August 18, 2014
The Top 7… Weirdest theories about the Pokemon universe
More than meets the eye
Pokemon is weird--there's very little getting around that. As much as we love to watch magical creatures engage in fantasy cock-fighting for fun and profit to the tune of 90's rock ballads, that doesn't negate (and actually kind of reinforces) the fact that the whole concept is bizarre. When people come up with theories related to the Pokemon universe, those theories often end of being strange themselves. We've discussed this once when we ran through the top 7 most disturbing thing about the Pokemon universe, but we're heading in once more--this time with the fan theories that... well...
See, sometimes a Pokemon theory is just so weird that it actually makes perfect sense, and harmonizes so well with the Poke-madness that it makes for a richer Poke-world. What follows are the top seven examples of such successful Pokemon theories--we'll try not to blow your Poke-mind! (Sorry.)
7. Jynx is a mythological succubus
Wikipedia defines a succubus as "a female demon or supernatural entity...who takes the form of a human woman in order to seduce men." It also notes that while succubi are imagined as enchantresses in modern times, in the old days they were “generally depicted as frightening and demonic." Smash those two descriptions together and you get Jynx, an unintentionally horrifying and “sexy” Pokemon.
Taking on the appearance of an alluring lady--as envisioned by an alien entity with an obviously tenuous grasp of human attractiveness--Jynx has all the trappings of a seductress: its Pokedex entries describe it as "bouncingly alluring" (whatever that means) and note how it "seductively wiggles its hips as it walks," charming people into dancing with it. Many of its attacks are also enticing/romantic in nature, like Lovely Kiss, Captivate, Fake Tears and Heart Stamp--attacks that Jynx uses to lure its enemies into a false sense of bliss before brutalizing them, which seems to fit the bill for a succubus just right. Get thee back, demon!
6. Pokemon are energy beings that manipulate physics
It takes a real stick-in-the-muk to demand sound science from a world that contains electric mice, moon creatures, and malevolent balloons. It's usually easier to just cry wizard and move on, but Reddit user nameless88 apparently isn't one for easy answers. In early 2013, nameless noted that the inside of a Pokeball seems to be covered in mirrors, and hypothesized that "the pokemon is converted into light, and then bounces around inside the pokeball at lightspeed... Pokemon possess the ability to convert matter to energy, and the pokeball just exploits this."
That theory led to a landslide of other ideas, each making more sense than the last. Pokemon convert energy into matter, allowing them to manifest fire, stars, giant hands and such for their attacks. Humans and unconscious Pokemon can't be captured with a pokeball, because they can't execute the conversion. Pokemon store energy as they gain experience, and when they evolve, the massive amount they release is converted into their new bodies. Basically, this theory suggests that Pokemon is more scientifically sound than the entirety of The Core.
5. Cubone is a mutated baby Kangaskhan
Sometimes a theory becomes so prominent and widely accepted that fans start to believe it was developers' intention all along, and we’re just waiting on some leaked concept art or creator commentary to seal the deal. One widespread theory on the nature of Cubone's origins fits that bill: it asserts that when a Kangaskhan dies, her baby takes her skull and wears it, becoming a Cubone and starting a different evolution path. Morbid, right?
This theory is supported by the fact that a baby Kangaskhan has a model nearly identical to that of a Cubone, with only slight color differentiation. Further, both Pokemon share a uniquely strong mother-child connection, and no one really knows what happens to a baby Kangaskhan as it ages. The idea has become so popular that some claim it to be fact, and assert that Red and Blue's infamous Missingno glitch was actually intended to be the bridging evolution between Cubone and Kangaskhan before it was removed. Man, talk about mommy issues.
4. Slowpoke is omniscient
Slowpoke, second only to Magikarp and Bidoof in terms of mockery, is regularly ridiculed for its sluggishness--its Pokedex entries describe it as "incredibly slow and dopey," and say that "awake or asleep, there is little difference [for Slowpoke]." Slowpoke does resemble these remarks, sporting a perpetual glaze-eyed stare and only vaguely responding to being attacked. However, things get complicated when one notices it's a Psychic type, which are hyper-intelligent, and that it evolves into one of the smartest Pokemon in the world. One starts to wonder what exactly is going on in that poke-brain.
The folks at TVTropes came up with a mind blast of an answer: everything. Slowpoke is pokey because it's omniscient, and the constant bombardment of information leaves it detached and unresponsive to the world around it. According to this theory, a Shellder's bite (which is supposed to "inspire" a Slowbro) actually hinders Slowpoke's omniscience by grounding it in the here and now. Suddenly, it makes sense that Slowpoke evolves into the super-smart Slowking--it just needs a little, highly poisonous nibble to focus its thoughts.
3. Dittos are corrupted Mews
Generation I's favorite legendary critter, Mew could be regarded as the ultimate Pokemon, since it's technically all of them at once: its genetic code contains the DNA of every Pokemon in existence, and it can transform into any one at its leisure. There's only one other Pokemon capable of pulling that trick: Ditto, the mimic blob, and that's not the only similarity they share. In fact, they have enough in common that some have theorized Ditto are Mew. They’ve just been corrupted.
The evidence for this one is simple, but compelling. Ditto and Mew are the only two Pokemon that can use Transform. They have the same coloration, both in their normal and Shiny forms. They--stay with me here--weigh the same amount, at 8.8 pounds. Altogether, these small commonalities create a semblance that's actually pretty convincing. What corrupted the Ditto-Mews is anyone's guess--maybe they were failed clones (there's established lore in Pokemon that scientists have tried to clone Mew, that's why Mewtwo exists), or transformed so much that they forgot what they used to be. But in any case, the resemblance is uncanny--and really, what's a little amorphous blobbery amongst family?
2. Arceus used the Unown to create the universe.
When a creature gets a nickname like "The Original One," there's a good chance it's going to be a god allegory, and Arceus is no exception: born at the beginning of existence, its Pokedex entry claims it "shaped the universe with its 1,000 arms," which seems pretty godlike. However, given that it's an equine Pokemon with only legs to speak of, one wonders just what those "arms" were--and some point to Unown as Arceus’ tools of creation.
Unown, weak while alone, but can alter reality when brought together: for instance, a group of them are able to create Entei and a crystal palace out of thin air. This theory suggests that Arceus uses the Unown to work its will, like in the Sinjoh Ruins, where clouds of Unown appear when Arceus manifests the egg of one of the creation trio Pokemon. For the still skeptical, consider the following: the sound made by a plethora of Unown is heard as an Azure Flute--the very item that allows for an encounter with Arceus in the wild. Concidence? Wake up, Sinnoh.
1. Pokemon don't say their names--language was created around their battle cries
Language is weird. Just as often as words are created to describe something, the characteristics of that thing become influential in the formation of those words. An onomatopoeia, for instance, is a word that imitates the sound it describes, like boom or screech. It is effectively the source of its own name, and language changes to conform to that. Nope, this isn't your 10th grade English class, this idea just applies perfectly to the theory that Pokemon aren't saying their names at all--instead, the sounds they make influence language.
Think about it: what is the likelihood that a fire salamander would not only recognize a pun-tastic word-smush as its name, but have the vocal ability to mimic it? Isn't it more believable that early humans heard "Charmander" and saw it light stuff on fire and started to associate that to "charring" stuff? Okham's razor (Oakham's razor?) says that humans likely integrated the cries of Pokemon into language organically, showing how important Pokemon are to the development of human society. …and you just learned something from magic fighting energy monsters. You're welcome.
Pokemon is weird--there's very little getting around that. As much as we love to watch magical creatures engage in fantasy cock-fighting for fun and profit to the tune of 90's rock ballads, that doesn't negate (and actually kind of reinforces) the fact that the whole concept is bizarre. When people come up with theories related to the Pokemon universe, those theories often end of being strange themselves. We've discussed this once when we ran through the top 7 most disturbing thing about the Pokemon universe, but we're heading in once more--this time with the fan theories that... well...
See, sometimes a Pokemon theory is just so weird that it actually makes perfect sense, and harmonizes so well with the Poke-madness that it makes for a richer Poke-world. What follows are the top seven examples of such successful Pokemon theories--we'll try not to blow your Poke-mind! (Sorry.)
Wikipedia defines a succubus as "a female demon or supernatural entity...who takes the form of a human woman in order to seduce men." It also notes that while succubi are imagined as enchantresses in modern times, in the old days they were “generally depicted as frightening and demonic." Smash those two descriptions together and you get Jynx, an unintentionally horrifying and “sexy” Pokemon.
Taking on the appearance of an alluring lady--as envisioned by an alien entity with an obviously tenuous grasp of human attractiveness--Jynx has all the trappings of a seductress: its Pokedex entries describe it as "bouncingly alluring" (whatever that means) and note how it "seductively wiggles its hips as it walks," charming people into dancing with it. Many of its attacks are also enticing/romantic in nature, like Lovely Kiss, Captivate, Fake Tears and Heart Stamp--attacks that Jynx uses to lure its enemies into a false sense of bliss before brutalizing them, which seems to fit the bill for a succubus just right. Get thee back, demon!
It takes a real stick-in-the-muk to demand sound science from a world that contains electric mice, moon creatures, and malevolent balloons. It's usually easier to just cry wizard and move on, but Reddit user nameless88 apparently isn't one for easy answers. In early 2013, nameless noted that the inside of a Pokeball seems to be covered in mirrors, and hypothesized that "the pokemon is converted into light, and then bounces around inside the pokeball at lightspeed... Pokemon possess the ability to convert matter to energy, and the pokeball just exploits this."
That theory led to a landslide of other ideas, each making more sense than the last. Pokemon convert energy into matter, allowing them to manifest fire, stars, giant hands and such for their attacks. Humans and unconscious Pokemon can't be captured with a pokeball, because they can't execute the conversion. Pokemon store energy as they gain experience, and when they evolve, the massive amount they release is converted into their new bodies. Basically, this theory suggests that Pokemon is more scientifically sound than the entirety of The Core.
Sometimes a theory becomes so prominent and widely accepted that fans start to believe it was developers' intention all along, and we’re just waiting on some leaked concept art or creator commentary to seal the deal. One widespread theory on the nature of Cubone's origins fits that bill: it asserts that when a Kangaskhan dies, her baby takes her skull and wears it, becoming a Cubone and starting a different evolution path. Morbid, right?
This theory is supported by the fact that a baby Kangaskhan has a model nearly identical to that of a Cubone, with only slight color differentiation. Further, both Pokemon share a uniquely strong mother-child connection, and no one really knows what happens to a baby Kangaskhan as it ages. The idea has become so popular that some claim it to be fact, and assert that Red and Blue's infamous Missingno glitch was actually intended to be the bridging evolution between Cubone and Kangaskhan before it was removed. Man, talk about mommy issues.
Slowpoke, second only to Magikarp and Bidoof in terms of mockery, is regularly ridiculed for its sluggishness--its Pokedex entries describe it as "incredibly slow and dopey," and say that "awake or asleep, there is little difference [for Slowpoke]." Slowpoke does resemble these remarks, sporting a perpetual glaze-eyed stare and only vaguely responding to being attacked. However, things get complicated when one notices it's a Psychic type, which are hyper-intelligent, and that it evolves into one of the smartest Pokemon in the world. One starts to wonder what exactly is going on in that poke-brain.
The folks at TVTropes came up with a mind blast of an answer: everything. Slowpoke is pokey because it's omniscient, and the constant bombardment of information leaves it detached and unresponsive to the world around it. According to this theory, a Shellder's bite (which is supposed to "inspire" a Slowbro) actually hinders Slowpoke's omniscience by grounding it in the here and now. Suddenly, it makes sense that Slowpoke evolves into the super-smart Slowking--it just needs a little, highly poisonous nibble to focus its thoughts.
Generation I's favorite legendary critter, Mew could be regarded as the ultimate Pokemon, since it's technically all of them at once: its genetic code contains the DNA of every Pokemon in existence, and it can transform into any one at its leisure. There's only one other Pokemon capable of pulling that trick: Ditto, the mimic blob, and that's not the only similarity they share. In fact, they have enough in common that some have theorized Ditto are Mew. They’ve just been corrupted.
The evidence for this one is simple, but compelling. Ditto and Mew are the only two Pokemon that can use Transform. They have the same coloration, both in their normal and Shiny forms. They--stay with me here--weigh the same amount, at 8.8 pounds. Altogether, these small commonalities create a semblance that's actually pretty convincing. What corrupted the Ditto-Mews is anyone's guess--maybe they were failed clones (there's established lore in Pokemon that scientists have tried to clone Mew, that's why Mewtwo exists), or transformed so much that they forgot what they used to be. But in any case, the resemblance is uncanny--and really, what's a little amorphous blobbery amongst family?
When a creature gets a nickname like "The Original One," there's a good chance it's going to be a god allegory, and Arceus is no exception: born at the beginning of existence, its Pokedex entry claims it "shaped the universe with its 1,000 arms," which seems pretty godlike. However, given that it's an equine Pokemon with only legs to speak of, one wonders just what those "arms" were--and some point to Unown as Arceus’ tools of creation.
Unown, weak while alone, but can alter reality when brought together: for instance, a group of them are able to create Entei and a crystal palace out of thin air. This theory suggests that Arceus uses the Unown to work its will, like in the Sinjoh Ruins, where clouds of Unown appear when Arceus manifests the egg of one of the creation trio Pokemon. For the still skeptical, consider the following: the sound made by a plethora of Unown is heard as an Azure Flute--the very item that allows for an encounter with Arceus in the wild. Concidence? Wake up, Sinnoh.
Language is weird. Just as often as words are created to describe something, the characteristics of that thing become influential in the formation of those words. An onomatopoeia, for instance, is a word that imitates the sound it describes, like boom or screech. It is effectively the source of its own name, and language changes to conform to that. Nope, this isn't your 10th grade English class, this idea just applies perfectly to the theory that Pokemon aren't saying their names at all--instead, the sounds they make influence language.
Think about it: what is the likelihood that a fire salamander would not only recognize a pun-tastic word-smush as its name, but have the vocal ability to mimic it? Isn't it more believable that early humans heard "Charmander" and saw it light stuff on fire and started to associate that to "charring" stuff? Okham's razor (Oakham's razor?) says that humans likely integrated the cries of Pokemon into language organically, showing how important Pokemon are to the development of human society. …and you just learned something from magic fighting energy monsters. You're welcome.
Friday, August 1, 2014
Satire: Maybelline Introduces New Ideal-Woman Rubber Mask To Use In Place Of Makeup
Read more HERE
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Top 10 Ways People Get Ripped Off at the Mattress Store
Conventional wisdom tells us to always try a mattress at the store. The problem is that so many mattress stores have developed sophisticated gimmicks and choreographed routines to manipulate customers who walk in their doors.
Before you plan a visit to a mattress store, reading this could save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars, and countless sleepless nights.
#10 Floor Models – It's easy to think you could save the most buying a model right off the showroom floor. But some stores will sell a "floor model" to a customer in the morning, replace it, and sell another "floor model" to a different customer in the afternoon.
#9 Tempting Offers – If it sounds too good to be true, it is. When an ad says you can get any size for the same price, be very skeptical. Car dealers don't sell sedans for the same price as subcompacts, and mattress stores don't either. Some stores will say anything in their ads to get you to come in, where you'll quickly discover the tempting offers have more strings attached than a basketball hoop.
#8 Low-Price Guarantees – Manufacturers give every store a different name for the same mattress. It's weird but true. It's done to confuse shoppers and makes it impossible to compare prices from store to store. And it becomes the basis for low-price claims. Just remember that stores guaranteeing the lowest price are also guaranteeing the HIGHEST price, since it's not available anywhere else under that name at any price!
#7 Hard Feelings – Nationwide, about 10%-20% of people prefer firm mattresses. The rest prefer a softer (plush) or pillowtop surface. Mattress stores know this, and often advertise their biggest discounts on firm models, knowing most people don't want them. Shoppers coming in response to the advertised discounts have to pay more for one they'll like.
#6 "Free" Can Really Cost You – The commercials offer "Free" frames, box springs, and/or delivery. Not a chance. The free frames are made with flimsy, lightweight materials, often not strong enough to hold your mattress. The promotional box springs usually aren't the ones that belong in the set, they won't last and they will void the product warranty. Free delivery might mean just to the curb; it will cost extra to bring it in. Truck drivers don't work for free.
#5 Financing – In recent years, mattress advertising has become dominated by finance offers. Sleep Now and Pay Later!! Just like credit card companies, some stores make more money from interest and penalties on their financing plans than they do from merchandise sales. Customers who slip on a single payment are on the hook retroactively to the date of purchase, at APR rates pushing 30%.
#4 New and Used – It may be a crime to remove the tags from your mattress, but few states have laws stopping stores from re-selling used mattresses as new. With such expensive returns or exchanges, it's tempting for stores to clean, re-bag, and put them back into "new" inventory.
#3 Feeling Misled – The primary reason most shoppers go to the store is to feel the exact product they're getting. But often, the mattress that's delivered (weeks later) doesn't feel the same. The standard store answer is the mattresses in the showroom have already been "broken in" by other shoppers, begging the question of why they put such an emphasis on trying them at the store in the first place.
#2 Markup and Markdown – Have you ever wondered how mattress stores can afford to run so many "half-price sales"? They can't. If you double the price, then offer "50% Off," that's not really a deal at all. It's just a big deception to create the appearance of savings. Very few states have laws restricting the use of sale terms, even when it's never been sold at the "regular" price.
#1 Do Your Research – Savvy shoppers investigate products and read reviews online before buying. But few investigate the store. Some store chains have deplorable records for customer complaints, and even fraud. Check the Better Business Bureau online at (choose the "Phone, URL, Email" tab to quickly find the headquarters).
There You Go .
So now you know some of the ways that mattress chains, department stores, and furniture showrooms rip off their customers. (Sadly, there are plenty more that don't make the top 10.)
Before you plan a visit to a mattress store, reading this could save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars, and countless sleepless nights.
#10 Floor Models – It's easy to think you could save the most buying a model right off the showroom floor. But some stores will sell a "floor model" to a customer in the morning, replace it, and sell another "floor model" to a different customer in the afternoon.
#9 Tempting Offers – If it sounds too good to be true, it is. When an ad says you can get any size for the same price, be very skeptical. Car dealers don't sell sedans for the same price as subcompacts, and mattress stores don't either. Some stores will say anything in their ads to get you to come in, where you'll quickly discover the tempting offers have more strings attached than a basketball hoop.
#8 Low-Price Guarantees – Manufacturers give every store a different name for the same mattress. It's weird but true. It's done to confuse shoppers and makes it impossible to compare prices from store to store. And it becomes the basis for low-price claims. Just remember that stores guaranteeing the lowest price are also guaranteeing the HIGHEST price, since it's not available anywhere else under that name at any price!
#7 Hard Feelings – Nationwide, about 10%-20% of people prefer firm mattresses. The rest prefer a softer (plush) or pillowtop surface. Mattress stores know this, and often advertise their biggest discounts on firm models, knowing most people don't want them. Shoppers coming in response to the advertised discounts have to pay more for one they'll like.
#6 "Free" Can Really Cost You – The commercials offer "Free" frames, box springs, and/or delivery. Not a chance. The free frames are made with flimsy, lightweight materials, often not strong enough to hold your mattress. The promotional box springs usually aren't the ones that belong in the set, they won't last and they will void the product warranty. Free delivery might mean just to the curb; it will cost extra to bring it in. Truck drivers don't work for free.
#5 Financing – In recent years, mattress advertising has become dominated by finance offers. Sleep Now and Pay Later!! Just like credit card companies, some stores make more money from interest and penalties on their financing plans than they do from merchandise sales. Customers who slip on a single payment are on the hook retroactively to the date of purchase, at APR rates pushing 30%.
#4 New and Used – It may be a crime to remove the tags from your mattress, but few states have laws stopping stores from re-selling used mattresses as new. With such expensive returns or exchanges, it's tempting for stores to clean, re-bag, and put them back into "new" inventory.
#3 Feeling Misled – The primary reason most shoppers go to the store is to feel the exact product they're getting. But often, the mattress that's delivered (weeks later) doesn't feel the same. The standard store answer is the mattresses in the showroom have already been "broken in" by other shoppers, begging the question of why they put such an emphasis on trying them at the store in the first place.
#1 Do Your Research – Savvy shoppers investigate products and read reviews online before buying. But few investigate the store. Some store chains have deplorable records for customer complaints, and even fraud. Check the Better Business Bureau online at (choose the "Phone, URL, Email" tab to quickly find the headquarters).
There You Go .
So now you know some of the ways that mattress chains, department stores, and furniture showrooms rip off their customers. (Sadly, there are plenty more that don't make the top 10.)
Friday, July 11, 2014
Marie Antoinette never said “let them eat cake”.
A myth that refuses to die..
Via Today I Found Out:
- Now, I know what some of you are thinking, “Of course she didn't, she spoke French!” But, in fact, she didn’t say “Qu’ils mangent de la brioche” either. In fact, this saying in France actually pre-dated her arrival there by anywhere from about thirty years to as much as a century.
This myth is often stated that on her way to the guillotine, forced by a mob of starving French peasants, she exasperatedly said “let them eat cake!” Another version says that when she heard the people were starving from lack of bread, she suggested, “let them eat cake.” There are numerous problems with both of these versions of the tail, but we’ll just stick with the “let them eat cake” part.
The actual saying “let them eat cake” was first written by the political philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau in his autobiography “Confessions”. At the time, Marie Antoinette was only 10 years old and living in Austria. She didn’t come to France until four years later when she married Louis XVI. More than that, Rousseau mentioned this same phrase in a letter written 18 years before Marie-Antoinette was even born.
In his autobiography, Rousseau references a “great princess”, who, when told the peasants had no bread, said “Well, let them eat brioche.” (brioche being a highly enriched bread). It is thought that either Rousseau coined this phrase himself or he was referring to Maria-Thérèse, who had lived about 100 years before and was the wife of Louis XIV. Historians are divided on which is correct. There is significant evidence that the French royal family believed the phrase originated from Maria-Thérèse and it was a story passed down among them. Indeed, Louis XVIII, in a memoir he penned in 1791, related the story of Marie-Thérèse saying this. In either case, this statement was used to illustrate the disconnect between the aristocracy in France and the plight of the people.
Further, during a brief bread shortage in 1775, which lead to a series of riots, in a letter from Marie-Antoinette to her Austrian family, she states the following: “It is quite certain that in seeing the people who treat us so well despite their own misfortune, we are more obliged than ever to work hard for their happiness.” Hardly something written by someone who was oblivious or unsympathetic to the plight of the poor.
So how did this saying get attributed to Marie Antoinette? Primarily, because the people of France loathed her. If you read up on her history, you’ll find most of this loathing was primarily because she was an easy and very visible target to vent their rage against the French aristocracy on. Marie Antoinette was Austrian and before her marriage to Louis XVI, Austria and France had been bitter enemies (in truth, things didn’t improve too much after their union, though at least open war was avoided until the King was eventually deposed in the revolution).
Read the rest
- Now, I know what some of you are thinking, “Of course she didn't, she spoke French!” But, in fact, she didn’t say “Qu’ils mangent de la brioche” either. In fact, this saying in France actually pre-dated her arrival there by anywhere from about thirty years to as much as a century.
This myth is often stated that on her way to the guillotine, forced by a mob of starving French peasants, she exasperatedly said “let them eat cake!” Another version says that when she heard the people were starving from lack of bread, she suggested, “let them eat cake.” There are numerous problems with both of these versions of the tail, but we’ll just stick with the “let them eat cake” part.
The actual saying “let them eat cake” was first written by the political philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau in his autobiography “Confessions”. At the time, Marie Antoinette was only 10 years old and living in Austria. She didn’t come to France until four years later when she married Louis XVI. More than that, Rousseau mentioned this same phrase in a letter written 18 years before Marie-Antoinette was even born.
In his autobiography, Rousseau references a “great princess”, who, when told the peasants had no bread, said “Well, let them eat brioche.” (brioche being a highly enriched bread). It is thought that either Rousseau coined this phrase himself or he was referring to Maria-Thérèse, who had lived about 100 years before and was the wife of Louis XIV. Historians are divided on which is correct. There is significant evidence that the French royal family believed the phrase originated from Maria-Thérèse and it was a story passed down among them. Indeed, Louis XVIII, in a memoir he penned in 1791, related the story of Marie-Thérèse saying this. In either case, this statement was used to illustrate the disconnect between the aristocracy in France and the plight of the people.
Further, during a brief bread shortage in 1775, which lead to a series of riots, in a letter from Marie-Antoinette to her Austrian family, she states the following: “It is quite certain that in seeing the people who treat us so well despite their own misfortune, we are more obliged than ever to work hard for their happiness.” Hardly something written by someone who was oblivious or unsympathetic to the plight of the poor.
So how did this saying get attributed to Marie Antoinette? Primarily, because the people of France loathed her. If you read up on her history, you’ll find most of this loathing was primarily because she was an easy and very visible target to vent their rage against the French aristocracy on. Marie Antoinette was Austrian and before her marriage to Louis XVI, Austria and France had been bitter enemies (in truth, things didn’t improve too much after their union, though at least open war was avoided until the King was eventually deposed in the revolution).
Read the rest
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
TMI Survey (KQ)
O la. so today I'm going to do another survey that I found through YouTube. The survey consists of 50 personal questions hence the title TMI (Too much Information) So let's begin.
1. What are you wearing?
- Clothes. I'm wearing clothes.
2. Ever been in love?
- Nah.
3. Ever had a terrible breakup?
- not really.
4. How tall are you?
- 6 foot 1-2"
5. How much do you weigh?
- 14 Stone 4 pounds.
6. Any tattoos?
- No.
7. Any piercings?
- No.
8. OTP?
- Britney Britney & Chip Skylark
9. Favorite show?
- I like Adventure Time.
10. Favorite bands?
- I like Ace of Base, La Bouche, Amaranthe, Laura Branigan, etc
11. Something you miss? .
- My friends from college.
12. Favorite song?
Too many to just list one.
13. How old are you?
- 290+ months old.
14. Zodiac sign?
- Virgo. Chinese Sign is Horse.
15. Quality you look for in a partner?
- Someone who is easy going, who likes to laugh.
16. Favorite Quote?
- Never stop learning because life never stops teaching - unknown.
17. Favorite actor?
Don't really have one.
18. Favorite color?
- Periwinkle.
19. Loud music or soft?
- Loud.
20. Where do you go when you’re sad?
- Outside to look at nature.
21. How long does it take you to shower?
- Usually 10 to 15 minutes.
22. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
- About 10 minutes. If it's for an event usually an hour from head to toe.
23. Ever been in a physical fight?
- No, thank goodness.
24. Turn on?
- Someone who can take sarcasm, laugh at the dumbest things.
25. Turn off?
- Bad fashion sense. Bad breath. Someone who won't get their hands dirty. Fake/Sour people.
26. The reason I joined Youtube?
- I just wanted to browse music videos & comment on videos basically.
27. Fears?
- Mostly enclosed spaces.
28. Last thing that made you cry?
- The passing of my pet dog.
29. Last time you said you loved someone?
- ...
35. The relationship between you and the person you last texted?
- Good friends.
36. Favorite food?
- Pepperoni Pizza. (H83rs gon h8!)
37. Place you want to visit?
- Guatemala.
38. Last place you were?
- The mall.
39. Do you have a crush?
40. Last time you kissed someone?
- ...
41. Last time you were insulted?
- Few days ago. I get insulted on a semi regular basis.
42. Favorite flavor of sweet?
- Chocolate.
43. What instruments do you play??
- Keyboard sometimes.
44. Favorite piece of jewelry?
- It's a steel skull ring. Very Satanic looking.
45. Last sport you played?
- Volleyball I believe.
46. Last song you sang?
- "I can't go for that" by Hall & Oats
47. Favorite chat up line?
- "Hay baby nice legs, when do they open?"
48. Have you ever used it?
- HAHAHA g-d no.
49. Last time you hung out with anyone?
- A few weeks ago.
50. Who should answer these questions next?
- Anybody who's anybody.
Well I'm surprised this survey did not have a Starbucks related question as most most surveys do. Anyway, if you want to do this survey go ahead I won't stop you. Until next time, C you soon.
1. What are you wearing?
- Clothes. I'm wearing clothes.
2. Ever been in love?
- Nah.
3. Ever had a terrible breakup?
- not really.
4. How tall are you?
- 6 foot 1-2"
5. How much do you weigh?
- 14 Stone 4 pounds.
6. Any tattoos?
- No.
7. Any piercings?
- No.
8. OTP?
- Britney Britney & Chip Skylark
9. Favorite show?
- I like Adventure Time.
10. Favorite bands?
- I like Ace of Base, La Bouche, Amaranthe, Laura Branigan, etc
11. Something you miss? .
- My friends from college.
12. Favorite song?
Too many to just list one.
13. How old are you?
- 290+ months old.
14. Zodiac sign?
- Virgo. Chinese Sign is Horse.
15. Quality you look for in a partner?
- Someone who is easy going, who likes to laugh.
16. Favorite Quote?
- Never stop learning because life never stops teaching - unknown.
17. Favorite actor?
Don't really have one.
18. Favorite color?
- Periwinkle.
19. Loud music or soft?
- Loud.
20. Where do you go when you’re sad?
- Outside to look at nature.
21. How long does it take you to shower?
- Usually 10 to 15 minutes.
22. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
- About 10 minutes. If it's for an event usually an hour from head to toe.
23. Ever been in a physical fight?
- No, thank goodness.
24. Turn on?
- Someone who can take sarcasm, laugh at the dumbest things.
25. Turn off?
- Bad fashion sense. Bad breath. Someone who won't get their hands dirty. Fake/Sour people.
26. The reason I joined Youtube?
- I just wanted to browse music videos & comment on videos basically.
27. Fears?
- Mostly enclosed spaces.
28. Last thing that made you cry?
- The passing of my pet dog.
29. Last time you said you loved someone?
- ...
30. Meaning behind your YouTube Name?
- "LezzySarr" is my main channel that I originally started. I think I named it after a game I was playing.
31. Last book you read?
- "Who Knew" by Bruce Lubin.
32. The book you’re currently reading?
- Nothing right now.
33. Last show you watched?
- Spongebob Squarepants.
34. Last person you talked to?
- A co worker.
- "LezzySarr" is my main channel that I originally started. I think I named it after a game I was playing.
31. Last book you read?
- "Who Knew" by Bruce Lubin.
32. The book you’re currently reading?
- Nothing right now.
33. Last show you watched?
- Spongebob Squarepants.
34. Last person you talked to?
- A co worker.
35. The relationship between you and the person you last texted?
- Good friends.
36. Favorite food?
- Pepperoni Pizza. (H83rs gon h8!)
37. Place you want to visit?
- Guatemala.
38. Last place you were?
- The mall.
39. Do you have a crush?
40. Last time you kissed someone?
- ...
41. Last time you were insulted?
- Few days ago. I get insulted on a semi regular basis.
42. Favorite flavor of sweet?
- Chocolate.
43. What instruments do you play??
- Keyboard sometimes.
44. Favorite piece of jewelry?
- It's a steel skull ring. Very Satanic looking.
45. Last sport you played?
- Volleyball I believe.
46. Last song you sang?
- "I can't go for that" by Hall & Oats
47. Favorite chat up line?
- "Hay baby nice legs, when do they open?"
48. Have you ever used it?
- HAHAHA g-d no.
49. Last time you hung out with anyone?
- A few weeks ago.
50. Who should answer these questions next?
- Anybody who's anybody.
Well I'm surprised this survey did not have a Starbucks related question as most most surveys do. Anyway, if you want to do this survey go ahead I won't stop you. Until next time, C you soon.
Friday, July 4, 2014
Happy Holi(Independence)day!
Wishing you all a

(Image is not mine. No infringement intended)
(Image is not mine. No infringement intended)
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
..but it was with the Pepsi products!
O la everyone, long time no see. So you know what's irritating? People who think Coke is Pepsi. Seriously I was working at the till ringing people up the other day & this costumer had coke products in their trolley cart; thinking nothing of it, the customer tells me (after I rang everything else up) that the Coke rang up incorrectly. Like what? The sale was buy 3 Pepsi for a certain low price, let's say 3 for $10.00 (I'm not sure exactly) I am aware of the sale so I have to keep an eye while ringing people up. This is for Coke 12 packs by the way. Being that soda is quite expensive in certain places you would stock up while you can. Anyway the costumer says to me "the soda was 3 for 10.00" and I say "That's for Coke, not Pepsi." What you have is Coke" The costumer then says "but it was with the Pepsi!" Ugh I don't have patience for this shit like honestly. Here I want to say "Coke is not a Pepsi product, the price is only for Pepsi" Of course I didn't say that because consumer service, then the costumer gets all menstrual at me because they want the sale so in order to make the costumer happy I manually change the price & give it to them anyway. It's about making the customer happy no matter how ignorant they are.This also happens with Dr. Pepper on occasion if there is a good sale going on. Plus I have to demonstrate great customer service because we want people to come back & shop. Ja it's just crazy working retail & the crap I have to endure.
Like how do you confuse Dr. Pepper with Pepsi, or Coke with being Pepsi? They're clearly different products. Seriously, are people this ignorant when it comes to soda? I want to know.
Like how do you confuse Dr. Pepper with Pepsi, or Coke with being Pepsi? They're clearly different products. Seriously, are people this ignorant when it comes to soda? I want to know.
Saturday, June 14, 2014
20 Mysterious Photos That Should Not Exist
(exert) From ocean fireballs to mythical apes & ghosts that only show up on film, these are 20 photos so mysterious, so impossible that it's often said they shouldn't exist at all.
(Video is from youtube user "DangerDolan")
Thursday, May 15, 2014
What Is Gluten?
(wisegeek) - Gluten is a composite formed from several different proteins. It is found most commonly in wheat and other related grains, such as barley and rye. Adding texture and a characteristic chewiness to baked goods, this ingredient is used in a wide variety of other foods as a thickener and binder, flavor enhancer, and protein supplement. Some people can develop an intolerance to these proteins, however; a gluten-free diet often helps to alleviate symptoms caused by this intolerance.
Foods Containing Gluten
Along with wheat, other cereal grains that contain gluten are durum, spelt, and einkorn, as well as farro, graham, kamut, and semolina. Many are also used to enhance the flavor and protein of foods, as well as to bind and thicken their consistency. While the grains are often found in breakfast cereals and various baked goods, they can also be included in a variety of other foods that are not as obvious.
Used as a thickener, gluten can be found in soups and broths, as well as gravies and sauces such as ketchup, salad dressings, or marinades. Since it enhances flavor, it is used in bouillon, spice blends, and other foods such as coffees, dairy products, vinegars, and liquors. It can also be found in the substance used to seal envelopes since it acts as a stabilizer.
Gluten is also used on its own as a protein supplement, particularly for people who do not have access to other protein sources. The protein it contains also makes it useful in meat substitutes, especially those used in vegan and vegetarian diets. Imitation meats or wheat meats, such as seitan, are often made of concentrated gluten.
Gluten Proteins
Within gluten, there are actually four main proteins: albumins, glutelins, globulins, and prolamins. Glutelins and prolamins are found in higher concentrations in wheat, while albumins and globulins are more plentiful in corn and rice. Many people associate wheat with the term "gluten," however, as it is those proteins that are most directly related to health issues such as celiac disease. Glutelins, in particular, are dangerous for those susceptible to intolerance because of the way that acids in the body break them down.
Most of the protein in wheat — 80% — is made up of the prolamin called gliadin and the glutelin called glutenin. When these molecules are joined together due to a chemical reaction, they stretch and harden, allowing dough to form a light, airy loaf with a chewy texture. As a result, these proteins are commonly found in flour and other baking products.
Function in Bread
Most of the protein in wheat — 80% — is made up of the prolamin called gliadin and the glutelin called glutenin. When these molecules are joined together due to a chemical reaction, they stretch and harden, allowing dough to form a light, airy loaf with a chewy texture. As a result, these proteins are commonly found in flour and other baking products.
Function in Bread
Kneading dough creates the strands that help the gliadin and glutenin molecules to join or cross-link. The more the dough is kneaded, the more links are developed and the chewier the final product becomes. In addition, the proteins thicken when heated, trapping the carbon dioxide produced by yeast. This enables baked goods to rise more and retain their shape instead of crumbling.
The amount of gluten added to the flour can have an impact on the texture of the final product. Bread flour needs more of these proteins to produce a loaf that isn't too dense or crumbly, while pastry flour — which should be flaky instead of chewy — has less. The flour industry measures its concentration with a farinograph, an instrument used to indicate density and elasticity among other elements in flour.
Gluten Intolerance
Gluten intolerance is a term that is used to describe three conditions: wheat allergy, non-celiac gluten sensitivity, and celiac disease. According to research, between 5 and 10 percent of all people may suffer from some form of sensitivity. All three conditions are difficult to diagnose, however, so it is thought that many people are not aware that this intolerance may be the source of other health issues.
Most forms of gluten intolerance cause the body to produce an abnormal immune response in the presence of wheat or its proteins. An allergy to wheat can produce symptoms such as hives, difficulty breathing, and digestive problems; in serious cases, a person with this allergy can experience anaphylaxis, a sudden and severe reaction that can be life-threatening. People with celiac disease, which causes damage and inflammation in the small intestine, can suffer from bloating, weight loss, fatigue, and headaches as the body has difficulty obtaining all the nutrients it needs from food.
Gluten-Free Diet
Avoiding gluten altogether is the only way to prevent the damage caused by an intolerance, though this can be difficult to do. A gluten-free diet requires a complete understanding of what it is and where it can be found. Gluten is found in many products, so it's necessary for someone following this diet to read labels carefully and know what products might contain it. In general, "gluten-free" means that the product contains less than the minimum standard that is considered to be harmful, though this number varies worldwide. Because so many foods contain these proteins, finding alternative sources for all of the vitamins, minerals, and fiber required for a healthy diet can be a challenge.
The amount of gluten added to the flour can have an impact on the texture of the final product. Bread flour needs more of these proteins to produce a loaf that isn't too dense or crumbly, while pastry flour — which should be flaky instead of chewy — has less. The flour industry measures its concentration with a farinograph, an instrument used to indicate density and elasticity among other elements in flour.
Gluten Intolerance
Gluten intolerance is a term that is used to describe three conditions: wheat allergy, non-celiac gluten sensitivity, and celiac disease. According to research, between 5 and 10 percent of all people may suffer from some form of sensitivity. All three conditions are difficult to diagnose, however, so it is thought that many people are not aware that this intolerance may be the source of other health issues.
Most forms of gluten intolerance cause the body to produce an abnormal immune response in the presence of wheat or its proteins. An allergy to wheat can produce symptoms such as hives, difficulty breathing, and digestive problems; in serious cases, a person with this allergy can experience anaphylaxis, a sudden and severe reaction that can be life-threatening. People with celiac disease, which causes damage and inflammation in the small intestine, can suffer from bloating, weight loss, fatigue, and headaches as the body has difficulty obtaining all the nutrients it needs from food.
Gluten-Free Diet
Avoiding gluten altogether is the only way to prevent the damage caused by an intolerance, though this can be difficult to do. A gluten-free diet requires a complete understanding of what it is and where it can be found. Gluten is found in many products, so it's necessary for someone following this diet to read labels carefully and know what products might contain it. In general, "gluten-free" means that the product contains less than the minimum standard that is considered to be harmful, though this number varies worldwide. Because so many foods contain these proteins, finding alternative sources for all of the vitamins, minerals, and fiber required for a healthy diet can be a challenge.
If this has you confused, watch the following video by ASAPScience explaining what Gluten is:
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Water the plants!
High. It's been awhile. I know I have been slacking these past few days from posting anything believe me, but I've been just so darn busy with work & also having my internet down for a few days didn't help. So today whilst at work doing work type stuff at the place I work during the other half of my shift I was to go outside & water plants. I had to wait until 3:00 to do it so in the mean time I was going to finish putting out a trolley of merchandise on the shelf until then. Moving on, so I was to go outside & water the plants (the plants that my co worker was to show me to water) nothing more so I thought. I only wanted to water the plants because I had other projects to do inside nothing else. I work retail by the way so ja. So my female co worker showed me the plants that need to be watered & she told me that some of the hanging baskets in the greenhouse did not get watered. The last time I watered was on a Monday prior to today (Wednesday) & she told me that the plants were so dried out that they were "melted" as she kept telling me & starting to menstruate over it to. I felt like I was getting yelled at again over something that was not in my control. She got to the point where I felt she was going to cry. I love being the only person who gets blamed for everything at my job. I got poor training so back off. Of course it's retail you don't know the hell you're doing to begin with. She kept going on & on about how the plants needed to be watered. I know how to water plants it's not brain surgery! If they are dry, water them is my logic. Of course that logic doesn't work cause it's Kibby logic & that shit does not fly over too well. Apparently she was going to water the inside of the greenhouse & I was to water the outside shit. So I'm not going to water all the plants then? Ugh... But before I could do that I had to do other menial tasks in the greenhouse that included hearing her explain to me how to water. I got it the last few times you told me so lump off already. This is a greenhouse job that I got little training in so I do what I can with what little I know. No that is not a valid excuse. But it's the truth in regards to working retail & it doesn't pay either. So I did some straightening up inside until she finished the inside. After she was done she went outside behind the greenhouse to water some of the plants back there. Like you couldn't trust me to water the plant out back are you serious? I felt like she couldn't trust me to that either because I might screw that up g-d forbid. So I ended up watering what was left outside really well until the next time. This got me thinking, "why the hell would I work in the greenhouse again?" I worked the stores greenhouse last year & that was a near disaster, plus I had no prior greenhouse experience to begin with. Hopefully I can choose to work inside this time. If only.
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
25 Words That Don’t Mean What They Originally Did
Did you know that 1000 years ago vegetarians ate meat? Well, don’t be nice and make sure you read this awful list because if you don’t you won’t understand anything in this introduction. These are 25 words that don’t mean what they originally did.
(video is from List25)
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Saturday, March 22, 2014
How to Take a Joke (9 Steps)
- Fun is fun. But when the joke's on you, sometimes it's hard to know how
to react, respond, and continue having a good time. If you want to know
how to take a joke, then you have to learn to stay calm, be more
easygoing, and understand that it comes from a good place. But if the
joke is really meant to hurt you, then it's time to stand up for
yourself. Keep reading for detailed instructions on how to take a joke
after the jump.
1. Just laugh. Try to remember that most jokes are good-natured attempts at being funny. Sometimes, we take the cheapest route to funny, and usually that takes the form of taking a shot at someone. If the shot's aimed at you, try to remember that person is just trying to be funny - it's probably about him more than about you.
2. Control your temper. It's a bad idea to respond to a joke with anger. Calm yourself and tell yourself over and over that you do not need to be angry.
3. Ignore it. If you are offended by the joke, ignore it. Don't laugh at it. If the joker says, "Oh (your name), you can't take a joke!" just ignore it. You can actually end up having a bit of a laugh on him or her just by looking confused and saying something like, "Oh, was that a joke? Huh." Showing the others that you didn't get the humor there can give you a little leg up on the joker without making you look like a jerk.
4. Try to remember, most of the stuff they say isn't to hurt you. Jokes are about just trying to have fun. Instead of getting mad about it, you can even laugh along and join in, and even add your own joke about that person, or even continue the joke on yourself (you look like an excellent sport, and as a bonus, others think you are very confident when you do so). But only do it for fun, not as a form of revenge on the instigator.
5. Express your feelings calmly. Sometimes, you feel that enough is enough, or you just aren't in the mood to be the butt of a joke. If you feel that you just can't take anymore, or you find yourself boiling up inside,then tell the person how you feel, and chances are she/he will understand.
6. Consider the source. Some people make inane jokes simply because they like to hear themselves talk. Some people have the wrong idea that all insults are funny, and so they insult you, and the insult may or may not even be true. Saying a joke that obviously isn't really true is just a lie - example: "You're like a dumb blond." Know that you are not whatever negative things said; if you know you aren't a dumb blond, whatever is said is meaningless.
7. Smile and play along (sometimes). There are a few scenarios where this response might be appropriate, such as at school when those making the jokes don't know you well, or don't realize they're annoying you. At times, if you can show yourself to be a gracious good sport, you can win respect from those making the comments, and make new friends out of the deal. Another scenario where this is a good response is when you actually do something funny to prompt the joke, such as spilling water on yourself. Everyone will laugh and some doofus will turn around and say, "Oh, check it out - taking a swim!" or some other nonsense, as if you weren't already embarrassed and uncomfortable enough. But instead of getting mad, realize that you will still be wet whether or not you can just relax and get over it. Laugh, point at the wet spot and say, "D'oh! And I left my beach towel at home." The others will laugh along, and you'll have had the last laugh. Bonus points for turning to the prettiest girl (or handsomest guy) in the room with a little eyebrow wiggle and suggestive smile, and saying, "Can I borrow yours?"
8. Be easygoing. Going with the flow of things is often the best way to deal with idiots. There are a lot of (especially young) people who haven't really understood the finer points of real humor. They find "random" things and insults funny, and so say "random" things and insult people without realizing that a random response is only funny in those circumstances where a remark is made that is totally unexpected, or that an insult is only funny if it isn't so pointed that it hurts someone. The best way to handle these people is to laugh along a little bit, and then find ways to adjust their attempts at humor (by making your own, better jokes).
9. Don't be a doormat. There's a difference between being a nice, easygoing person who can take a joke, and being a doormat. If someone is always using you for a punching bag, it gets old. You will need to speak up for yourself. If this is necessary, try taking the person aside and saying, "Hey man, I've been a good sport for a while, but it's getting old. The things you're saying are hurting me. Please, stop. Don't choose someone else to pick on, just stop." If s/he gets defensive and/or continues to pick on you, don't bother trying to keep it between the two of you any longer. Stand right up in front of everyone and say, "You know, when I talked to you about this privately, I thought I made it clear that I am tired of you picking on me. I told you it hurts my feelings, and now it's just making me mad. Please stop it." It's a virtual guarantee that s/he'll be mortified that you called him or her out in front of everyone. Either s/he'll mumble an apology and leave you alone, or pick on you again. This time, you won't have to do anything— everyone else will jump to your defense, because you'll have made your discomfort known. If they don't, consider finding better friends.
Be able to tell the difference between a joke and bullying. Sometimes, very offensive jokes or slurs are enough, and should be dealt with in a positive manner. Do not let them get the best of you, if telling them about it leads to more "joking", ignore them and get some help.
Further Reading:
5 Things everyone gets wrong about being offended
How to stop taking jokes seriously
1. Just laugh. Try to remember that most jokes are good-natured attempts at being funny. Sometimes, we take the cheapest route to funny, and usually that takes the form of taking a shot at someone. If the shot's aimed at you, try to remember that person is just trying to be funny - it's probably about him more than about you.
2. Control your temper. It's a bad idea to respond to a joke with anger. Calm yourself and tell yourself over and over that you do not need to be angry.
3. Ignore it. If you are offended by the joke, ignore it. Don't laugh at it. If the joker says, "Oh (your name), you can't take a joke!" just ignore it. You can actually end up having a bit of a laugh on him or her just by looking confused and saying something like, "Oh, was that a joke? Huh." Showing the others that you didn't get the humor there can give you a little leg up on the joker without making you look like a jerk.
4. Try to remember, most of the stuff they say isn't to hurt you. Jokes are about just trying to have fun. Instead of getting mad about it, you can even laugh along and join in, and even add your own joke about that person, or even continue the joke on yourself (you look like an excellent sport, and as a bonus, others think you are very confident when you do so). But only do it for fun, not as a form of revenge on the instigator.
5. Express your feelings calmly. Sometimes, you feel that enough is enough, or you just aren't in the mood to be the butt of a joke. If you feel that you just can't take anymore, or you find yourself boiling up inside,then tell the person how you feel, and chances are she/he will understand.
6. Consider the source. Some people make inane jokes simply because they like to hear themselves talk. Some people have the wrong idea that all insults are funny, and so they insult you, and the insult may or may not even be true. Saying a joke that obviously isn't really true is just a lie - example: "You're like a dumb blond." Know that you are not whatever negative things said; if you know you aren't a dumb blond, whatever is said is meaningless.
7. Smile and play along (sometimes). There are a few scenarios where this response might be appropriate, such as at school when those making the jokes don't know you well, or don't realize they're annoying you. At times, if you can show yourself to be a gracious good sport, you can win respect from those making the comments, and make new friends out of the deal. Another scenario where this is a good response is when you actually do something funny to prompt the joke, such as spilling water on yourself. Everyone will laugh and some doofus will turn around and say, "Oh, check it out - taking a swim!" or some other nonsense, as if you weren't already embarrassed and uncomfortable enough. But instead of getting mad, realize that you will still be wet whether or not you can just relax and get over it. Laugh, point at the wet spot and say, "D'oh! And I left my beach towel at home." The others will laugh along, and you'll have had the last laugh. Bonus points for turning to the prettiest girl (or handsomest guy) in the room with a little eyebrow wiggle and suggestive smile, and saying, "Can I borrow yours?"
8. Be easygoing. Going with the flow of things is often the best way to deal with idiots. There are a lot of (especially young) people who haven't really understood the finer points of real humor. They find "random" things and insults funny, and so say "random" things and insult people without realizing that a random response is only funny in those circumstances where a remark is made that is totally unexpected, or that an insult is only funny if it isn't so pointed that it hurts someone. The best way to handle these people is to laugh along a little bit, and then find ways to adjust their attempts at humor (by making your own, better jokes).
9. Don't be a doormat. There's a difference between being a nice, easygoing person who can take a joke, and being a doormat. If someone is always using you for a punching bag, it gets old. You will need to speak up for yourself. If this is necessary, try taking the person aside and saying, "Hey man, I've been a good sport for a while, but it's getting old. The things you're saying are hurting me. Please, stop. Don't choose someone else to pick on, just stop." If s/he gets defensive and/or continues to pick on you, don't bother trying to keep it between the two of you any longer. Stand right up in front of everyone and say, "You know, when I talked to you about this privately, I thought I made it clear that I am tired of you picking on me. I told you it hurts my feelings, and now it's just making me mad. Please stop it." It's a virtual guarantee that s/he'll be mortified that you called him or her out in front of everyone. Either s/he'll mumble an apology and leave you alone, or pick on you again. This time, you won't have to do anything— everyone else will jump to your defense, because you'll have made your discomfort known. If they don't, consider finding better friends.
- Read up on jokes - if it's an actual joke (i. e., a specific blond joke) directed at you it always helps to have heard the joke a billion times before, and possibly be able to say the punchline before someone else does. That will either amuse the person, or show him or her that joking about you is pointless.
- If all else fails, try saying, "I got the bullseye tonight - all right. Go ahead, do your worst." Let this person make his or her jokes. Then say, "Is that it? Is that all you got?" Hopefully, this person gets the point that you've had enough. If the jabs continue, walk away with a smile, and a shake of your head that tells everyone watching that some people just don't know when to quit. You will end up looking better out of it than the other guy.
- Always try to blow it off at first. If it continues, you can talk to the perpetrator.
- A smile and a mock expression of affront are a great defense.
Be able to tell the difference between a joke and bullying. Sometimes, very offensive jokes or slurs are enough, and should be dealt with in a positive manner. Do not let them get the best of you, if telling them about it leads to more "joking", ignore them and get some help.
- Be aware that sometimes it's best to just walk away from certain situations. Standing up for yourself, unfortunately, may make you an even bigger target if there's a serious bully involved.
Further Reading:
5 Things everyone gets wrong about being offended
How to stop taking jokes seriously
Sunday, March 9, 2014
40 Mind Blowing Pokemon Secrets and Facts
( - The ever-popular Pokemon series has done an amazing job of
garnering one of the largest followings of any franchise to date. The
games have provided something that the trading card game and popular
anime series can not: true interactivity. The Pokemon video
games are probably the closest gamers will ever get to actually
training, breeding and battling their very own "Pocket Monsters."
All of that said, this doesn't mean we can't delve a bit deeper into the Pokemon canon. We've compiled a list of some of the coolest and most intriguing Pokemon facts, secrets and rumors we could find.
Without further ado, and in no particular order, let's begin!
40. Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee are based on Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee, respectively.
39. If a Pokemon existed that had every type, it would be weak only to Rock types.
38. Ekans spells "Snake" backwards, and Arbok "Kobra."
37. Poliwag’s swirls actually resemble a real-life tadpole’s intestines.
36. Arcanine was originally intended to be a legendary Pokemon, but was replaced by Moltres.
35. Tangela wasn’t actually able to learn Vine Whip in Generation One.
34. Every Spinda has a unique pattern of spots; there are over 4 billion combinations in-game.
33. The names for each of the three legendary birds ends in Spanish: ArticUNO, ZapDOS and MolTRES.
32. Mr. Mime can also be a girl, even though the female Pokemon's name would still include "Mr."
31. Azurill has a 25 percent chance of changing gender when it evolves.
30. Wailord can breed with Diglet...
29. Pikachu (Mouse Pokemon) has a pokedex number of 25, while Meowth (Cat Pokemon) has one of
52. Reverse those, and you can see that they are the opposite of one another, just like cats and mice.
28. Gengar is a Shadow type Pokemon and this "shadow" may be related to how similar it looks to Clefable.
27. "Pokemon" is not a Japanese word, but rather a combination of the two English words “pocket” and “monster.”
26. In the original Red and Blue versions of the game, you could tell the gender of a Pokemon by its Attack Rate and Defense Rate; this did not apply to legendary Pokemon.
25. In the original games the player could cut a tree down, stand where it used to be, save/restart and end up on top of the tree.
24. If a Pikachu from Pokemon Yellow is uploaded to Pokemon Stadium, it will be voiced by Ikue Ohtani and have unique sound effects.
25. In Japan, the Pokemon move "Splash" did not exist; it was called "Hop," which explains why Splash is a Physical ability and not a Water one.
24. In the original Pokemon Red and Blue, it was possible to fish in any of the big statues inside Pokemon gyms.
23. Secret wallpapers for the Pokemon Storage System exist throughout the series.
22. Diamond Dust is a special kind of snow unique to Snowpoint City, Mt. Silver's Summit and Icirrus City; it appears only on certain days.
21. It’s rumored that the music in the Pokemon Tower in Lavender Town prompted young people around the world to become suicidal.
20. Hypno, a Pokemon with the ability to hypnotize his opponents, has been known to kidnap children.
19. If the player speaks to Dawn or Lucas on their birthday, they will wish the player happy birthday; this can only be done once the player has beaten the Elite Four.
18. In Pokemon Red and Blue, a scary man appears on top of the Cinnabar gym if you surf along the East coast and don’t have the key to the town's gym.
17. Deino and its evolutions have the german numbers of one, two and three in their names: DEINo, ZWEIlous and HyDREIgon.
16. Doduo can learn fly, apparently by moving its legs around very fast, as evidenced by Pokemon Stadium.
15. Parasect is actually two Pokemon, but the mushroom portion is controlling the crab part of it as a parasite.
14. Rumors indicate that Giovanni’s Persian is a shiny, evidenced by its pink ears.
13. In 2008, Japanese scientists discovered a protein and named it “Pikachurin” because it worked very well with electricity.
12. Munna is referenced in Pokemon Red and Blue by a female Pokemon trainer standing outside of Rock Tunnel; it is also referenced in Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald.
11. Yamask Pokemon actually contain the souls of humans who lived long ago; the faces they carry are said to be those humans’ actual faces and cry when reminiscing of memories.
10. The first Kadabra was actually a boy with psychic abilities who awoke one morning transformed.
9. Rumors suggest that Genesect is actually a modified Kabutops.
8. Speculation by fans show that because your rival in Red and Blue had a Raticate during your battle on the S.S. Anne and did not in Lavender Town, that Raticate was actually killed during your battle.
7. Banette was a plush doll that came to life after being abandoned by its owner, whose main goal is now to seek vengeance on that owner.
6. Though proven to be untrue, it was believed that players could collect a Poke Ball containing the legendary Pokemon Mew underneath a truck on the port in Vermillion City.
5. Documents inside the Pokemon Mansion on Cinnabar Island show that Faraway Island was conceived long before its actual implementation.
4. The theme music for Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald was remixed and left in the game code for Platinum Version.
3. Bonsly is the first Generation Four Pokemon that can be caught and used in battle in a generation before it was introduced properly.
2. The theme music for the three legendary Dog type Pokemon - Suicune, Entei and Raikou - was remixed and left in the code for Ruby and Sapphire.
1. Though these aren't in any particular order, we saved one of our favorites for last: it’s rumored that Mew and Ditto are nearly one and the same, but that Ditto is a failed version of Mew. They both weigh 8.8 lbs, know Transform naturally, are pink but blue when shiny, and can learn every move – if only temporarily for Ditto.
So there you have it - 40 rumors, facts and secrets about the Pokemon franchise!
All of that said, this doesn't mean we can't delve a bit deeper into the Pokemon canon. We've compiled a list of some of the coolest and most intriguing Pokemon facts, secrets and rumors we could find.
Without further ado, and in no particular order, let's begin!
40. Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee are based on Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee, respectively.
39. If a Pokemon existed that had every type, it would be weak only to Rock types.
38. Ekans spells "Snake" backwards, and Arbok "Kobra."
37. Poliwag’s swirls actually resemble a real-life tadpole’s intestines.
36. Arcanine was originally intended to be a legendary Pokemon, but was replaced by Moltres.
35. Tangela wasn’t actually able to learn Vine Whip in Generation One.
34. Every Spinda has a unique pattern of spots; there are over 4 billion combinations in-game.
33. The names for each of the three legendary birds ends in Spanish: ArticUNO, ZapDOS and MolTRES.
32. Mr. Mime can also be a girl, even though the female Pokemon's name would still include "Mr."
31. Azurill has a 25 percent chance of changing gender when it evolves.
30. Wailord can breed with Diglet...
29. Pikachu (Mouse Pokemon) has a pokedex number of 25, while Meowth (Cat Pokemon) has one of
52. Reverse those, and you can see that they are the opposite of one another, just like cats and mice.
28. Gengar is a Shadow type Pokemon and this "shadow" may be related to how similar it looks to Clefable.
27. "Pokemon" is not a Japanese word, but rather a combination of the two English words “pocket” and “monster.”
26. In the original Red and Blue versions of the game, you could tell the gender of a Pokemon by its Attack Rate and Defense Rate; this did not apply to legendary Pokemon.
25. In the original games the player could cut a tree down, stand where it used to be, save/restart and end up on top of the tree.
24. If a Pikachu from Pokemon Yellow is uploaded to Pokemon Stadium, it will be voiced by Ikue Ohtani and have unique sound effects.
25. In Japan, the Pokemon move "Splash" did not exist; it was called "Hop," which explains why Splash is a Physical ability and not a Water one.
24. In the original Pokemon Red and Blue, it was possible to fish in any of the big statues inside Pokemon gyms.
23. Secret wallpapers for the Pokemon Storage System exist throughout the series.
22. Diamond Dust is a special kind of snow unique to Snowpoint City, Mt. Silver's Summit and Icirrus City; it appears only on certain days.
21. It’s rumored that the music in the Pokemon Tower in Lavender Town prompted young people around the world to become suicidal.
20. Hypno, a Pokemon with the ability to hypnotize his opponents, has been known to kidnap children.
19. If the player speaks to Dawn or Lucas on their birthday, they will wish the player happy birthday; this can only be done once the player has beaten the Elite Four.
18. In Pokemon Red and Blue, a scary man appears on top of the Cinnabar gym if you surf along the East coast and don’t have the key to the town's gym.
17. Deino and its evolutions have the german numbers of one, two and three in their names: DEINo, ZWEIlous and HyDREIgon.
16. Doduo can learn fly, apparently by moving its legs around very fast, as evidenced by Pokemon Stadium.
15. Parasect is actually two Pokemon, but the mushroom portion is controlling the crab part of it as a parasite.
14. Rumors indicate that Giovanni’s Persian is a shiny, evidenced by its pink ears.
13. In 2008, Japanese scientists discovered a protein and named it “Pikachurin” because it worked very well with electricity.
12. Munna is referenced in Pokemon Red and Blue by a female Pokemon trainer standing outside of Rock Tunnel; it is also referenced in Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald.
11. Yamask Pokemon actually contain the souls of humans who lived long ago; the faces they carry are said to be those humans’ actual faces and cry when reminiscing of memories.
10. The first Kadabra was actually a boy with psychic abilities who awoke one morning transformed.
9. Rumors suggest that Genesect is actually a modified Kabutops.
8. Speculation by fans show that because your rival in Red and Blue had a Raticate during your battle on the S.S. Anne and did not in Lavender Town, that Raticate was actually killed during your battle.
7. Banette was a plush doll that came to life after being abandoned by its owner, whose main goal is now to seek vengeance on that owner.
6. Though proven to be untrue, it was believed that players could collect a Poke Ball containing the legendary Pokemon Mew underneath a truck on the port in Vermillion City.
5. Documents inside the Pokemon Mansion on Cinnabar Island show that Faraway Island was conceived long before its actual implementation.
4. The theme music for Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald was remixed and left in the game code for Platinum Version.
3. Bonsly is the first Generation Four Pokemon that can be caught and used in battle in a generation before it was introduced properly.
2. The theme music for the three legendary Dog type Pokemon - Suicune, Entei and Raikou - was remixed and left in the code for Ruby and Sapphire.
1. Though these aren't in any particular order, we saved one of our favorites for last: it’s rumored that Mew and Ditto are nearly one and the same, but that Ditto is a failed version of Mew. They both weigh 8.8 lbs, know Transform naturally, are pink but blue when shiny, and can learn every move – if only temporarily for Ditto.
So there you have it - 40 rumors, facts and secrets about the Pokemon franchise!
Sunday, February 16, 2014
PooPourri: Girls don't poop
The product is PooPourri - Yes it is a real product & yes it really works according to this video:
Friday, January 17, 2014
Top 10 Brands That Failed
Excerpt: These companies were not too big to fail. Join as we count down our picks for the top 10 brands that failed.
Notable mentions - KMart (yet) Hostess, Pamida (bought out & forcibly converted), Boarders Book Store, Hummer, Microsoft Zune, Frienstar, Myspace (yet), Windows Vista (Microsoft), Cocaine (energy beverage), Google Nexus phone, etc
Notable mentions - KMart (yet) Hostess, Pamida (bought out & forcibly converted), Boarders Book Store, Hummer, Microsoft Zune, Frienstar, Myspace (yet), Windows Vista (Microsoft), Cocaine (energy beverage), Google Nexus phone, etc
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Life Tips 2: When Life Gives You Lemons
Here's another:
If that doesn't work:
(Images found through yahoo image search, no infringement intended)
Sunday, January 5, 2014
What is the difference between a purse and a handbag?
- There really is no difference. Purse and handbag are mostly
interchangeable. Handbag is most often used by the industry, purse is
used by ordinary people. There's also a certain amount of regionalism to
the words, some areas prefer one over the other. Also, age factors into
the use of the words. Old women tend to use neither purse nor handbag
and often use the word "pocketbook" to confuse matters. Whatever you
word you use, most people will know what you are talking about.
So parochial. In the rest of the world a purse is for carrying money and cards. A handbag is an often capacious cloth or leather(ette) receptacle that holds not only a purse but also the other mysterious paraphernalia that women insist on unnecessarily toting around everywhere.
Answer:Purses are smaller than handbags.
So parochial. In the rest of the world a purse is for carrying money and cards. A handbag is an often capacious cloth or leather(ette) receptacle that holds not only a purse but also the other mysterious paraphernalia that women insist on unnecessarily toting around everywhere.
Answer:Purses are smaller than handbags.
Friday, January 3, 2014
The Truth About Gingers
I'm sure that this video won't change your belief about gingers. Either way this is still interesting.
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